Page 5 of The Wives
"Lower your fucking voice, I'm not doing this with you, I'm not fighting fucking Elizabeth Stanton, I don't answer to your mother. You didn't think this shit through too good babe, no one backs me into a corner, this is something you've always known about me. What? You expect me to kick my wives and children out of the house to please you; you've lost your fucking mind. I repeat you want out there's the fucking door."
I left the room and went in search of my kids; I knew damn good and well she wasn't going anywhere, if I thought for a minute she was serious I would've handled that differently but I know her game, she could take that shit somewhere else it was never gonna fly with me.
"Daddy." My little princess ran over arms out stretched a huge grin on her chubby cheeks. I picked her up and buried my nose in her baby sweet scented neck. This was one of the great pleasures of my day, seeing my kids. Chelsea was the oldest at three years old her brothers Russell and Damien were two and one respectively; then there was Jonathan, Marcy's son who was also two and lastly the twins Justin and Jason who were just three months old. They were all spread out around the room in differing stages of disarray while Anna sat off to the side keeping watch while reading on her tablet.
"Hello husband and how was your day?" She gave me her toothy grin that always warned me that she'd been up to something.
"What did you do baby girl?"
"Who moi, not a thing."
"What, why do you always assume I've done something anyway?"
"Because I'm usually right, now out with it, what went on here today between you and Janine?"
"You mean the wicked witch of the west?"
"Tell me you didn't call her that how many times must I beg you to behave?" Shit that headache wasn't going away any time soon. If this one had a burr up her ass about something there's no telling what the hell I had to look forward to. She's not known for her tact and her temper is as fiery as her scorching passion in bed. For some reason Janine was more threatened by her than by Marcy and I didn't get it. I don't know if its because she's of mixed heritage and has that exotic appeal going on; who knows to me they're all fucking gorgeous but who am I? I'm only their poor sap of a husband; my reassurances don't mean a damn thing.
"She was on the tele with queen witch again and started acting the fool so I had to put her in her place.
"And how did you do that?" I was afraid to even know, if Marcy was hiding out in the yard it must've gotten really bad; the one thing I'm sure of is that neither woman had done or said anything in front of the children that was a hard and fast rule of mine, the kids were going to be confused enough in their formative years what with having three mothers the last thing they needed was infighting and bullshit, fuck it was the last thing I needed.
“I just told her some home truths that’s all, like the fact that just because she’s the one you officially married she isn’t entitled to special treatment or to lord it over Marcy and I; maybe you should set her straight on that or am I wrong?”
"No you weren't wrong but there's always a right way and a wrong way to handle these things, now do me a favor and don't get in her face any more for the rest of the week?"
"Hey why is it my fault?"
"I didn't say it is, I'm just asking you to help me out a little okay, she's a little raw right now so let's just take it easy."
"No wonder she acts the way she does, you're always babying her."
"Anna for fucks sake...." I started in a harsh whisper so that innocent little ears wouldn’t overhear but then I couldn't even finish what I was gonna say, when it rains it pours in this fucking house now I have two pissed off hell cats out for my blood, that shit is enough to make a lesser man tuck nuts and run. I have a better idea though; I liked to keep drama to a minimum, if I didn't handle these things the right way they might pull a coup on my ass so I never gave them a fucking inch, what am I stupid, it's three of them and one of me, and nobody can organize better than a group of females, hell no.
"Get my kids ready."
"Why where are we going?"
"We're not going anywhere get my kids dressed and ready in twenty."