Page 3 of Foster Dad
I’d been told a few weeks earlier by my counselor that I was doing so well I might be able to graduate early. I was on top of the world, though I wondered how much that news segment had to do with her sudden interest in my record.
I had just dropped my bag and was about to wash the street grime off my face when one of the bullies came to get me. “They want you in the office bitch.”
My tummy started to tremble with fear. Was she telling the truth or was this some trick to get me out of the room so she could hurt me? And if it wasn’t, what infraction would the warden concoct this time as an excuse to punish me?
“I’ll be right down I need to use the restroom.” When she just rolled her eyes and walked away I breathed easy again and hurried to go clean up before heading down to the office.
“Yes matron?” I opened the door after knocking and being told to come in. Her smile threw me off until I noticed the other people in the room. It was a man and a woman in their early thirties or late twenties I wasn’t sure.
They were both gorgeous. The woman was a pale blonde with wide blue eyes and the clearest complexion I’d ever seen outside of a retouched magazine. She was tiny too, maybe a foot or tow shorter than my five-three.
And the man, well he looked like someone every young girl with a heartbeat would have naughty dreams about at night.
He was clean shaven, except for a thin beard, and under his suit jacket it was obvious that he was built, he also towered over her by a foot.
I didn’t look at him too long but took one last look at the woman wishing I could look like that with her designer wear and her porcelain skin, before turning my attention to the matron.
“Hello Dakota, why don’t you come in and have a seat? How was school today, you did well on your test I’m sure.”
“Yes ma’am I think I did.”
I tried not to show any surprise in my voice because I wasn’t dumb enough not to know that she was trying to impress this couple for whatever reason.
So I took the seat across from her, where I’d never been allowed to sit any of the handful of times I’d been summoned here before.
“This is Mr. and Mrs. Stone.”
“Evan.” He held out his hand for me to shake and I took it shyly.
“Wow.” I took her hand and stared at her with what I’m sure was a star struck expression.
“What?” Her smile was warm and inviting.
“Your voice, I mean your accent, it’s beautiful.” She smiled at her husband and turned back to me. “Thank you, it’s Italian, but I’ve been here so long I’ve begun to lose it.”
“Oh no you shouldn’t, it’s so much better than ours.” Now it was his turn to laugh and somehow the two of them made me feel relaxed and comfortable.
“Well, the reason I asked you here Dakota is because the Stones here saw the program and are interested in a trial run.” I didn’t know what she was talking about at first. A trial run?
“If that’s okay with you that is.” Mr. Stone interjected. He must’ve noticed my look of confusion and rushed to explain.
“Natalia and I were very moved by your story, and we’ve decided we’d like to offer you a home with us if that’s okay with you.”
I looked at the matron not quite believing that it was real, or that she’d let me leave with them. I braced myself for the punch line because surely this was another one of her jokes at my expense.
It was obvious that they were wealthy. I knew she’d never want that for me. She’d told me often enough that I didn’t deserve anything better than the life I used to have. She was sure I’d end up as nothing more than a drugged out whore like my mom. Something she was fond of saying.
“Would you like that Dakota?” It was him again. I looked over at them as they held hands and looked at me as if my answer really mattered. I nodded my head absently not quite believing still but not wanting to mess up in case this was real.
“Well I’ve written up the necessary paperwork, why don’t you go gather your things Dakota, you’ll be leaving right away. The Stones insisted.” I left the room in a daze still not quite sure what was going on.
All the way to the room and back I prayed that nothing would go wrong to change things. I had a million questions as to why they’d chosen me. I knew there were much younger kids here that would do just as well for a couple that young.