Page 28 of Maid for a Magnate
Okay, he had, but he hadn’t meant for her to get that panicked look on her face. He knew full well she was battling with herself where he was concerned. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind she wanted him physically and that was easy to obtain. But there was part of Will that wanted her to see that he wasn’t at all the same man he used to be.
She would get to see that side of him today. He intended to do everything for her, to prove to her just how appreciated she was and how valued. Will had fully stocked the yacht when he’d had this idea a couple days ago. He’d known he would take her out at some point, but it wasn’t until he saw her working the crowd, with circles under her eyes and a smile on her face at the dinner last night, that he decided to invite her right away.
With all of the recent upheaval in Alma—the Montoro monarchy drama and Isabella’s passing, not to mention Will’s taking the reins of Rowling Energy—there was just too much life getting in the way of what he wanted. Too many distractions interfering with his main goal...and his goal was to have Cat.
He may be the good son, the twin who was raised to follow the rules and not question authority. But Will wasn’t about to make the same mistake with Cat as he had in the past. The moment he’d let her walk away years ago, he’d already started plotting to get her back. Then the whole debacle with Bella had happened and Will knew more than ever that it was time to make his move with Rowling Energy and Cat.
Spending the day together on his yacht, however, was something totally unrelated to everything else that had happened in their past. Today was all about them and nothing or nobody else. Everything that happened with Cat from here on out was going to be her call...he may just silently nudge and steer her in the right direction. Those initial kisses had reignited the spark they’d left burning long ago and he knew without a doubt that she felt just as passionate as he did.
He didn’t blame her one bit for being leery. He’d done some major damage before and she wouldn’t let him forget it anytime soon. Not that he could. He’d never forget that look on her face when he’d told her they’d been a mistake and then walked away. That moment had played over and over in his mind for the past several years. Knowing he’d purposely hurt Cat wasn’t something he was likely to ever forget.
Still, if she ever discovered the truth, would she see that he’d done it for her? He’d best keep that secret to himself and just stay on course with his plan now. At least she was here, she was talking and she was coming around. The last thing Will wanted to do was rehash the past when they could be spending their time concentrating on the here and now.
Will steered the yacht toward the private island not too far from Alma. In just under an hour he’d have Cat on a beach with a picnic. He wondered when the last time was that she’d had someone do something like that for her, but quickly dismissed the thought. If another man had pampered her, Will sure as hell didn’t want to know.
Of course, there was no man in her life now. Will was the one kissing her, touching her. She was his for at least today so he needed to make the most of every moment they were alone. He truly hoped the tiny island was deserted. He’d come here a few times to think, to get away from all the pressure and stress. Only once had he run into other people.
Cat stayed below for the duration of the trip. Perhaps she was trying to gather her own thoughts as well. Maybe she was avoiding him because she thought that taking her out to a private island for sex was so cliché, so easy to read into.
But for reasons Will didn’t want to admit or even think about, this day was so much more than sex. Cat was more than sex. Yes, he wanted her in the fiercest way imaginable, but he also wanted more from her...he just didn’t know what.
No, that was wrong. The first thing he wanted was for her to see him in a different light. He wanted her to see the good in him she’d seen when they’d grown up together, when they’d laughed and shared secrets with each other. He wanted her to see that he wasn’t the monster who had ripped her heart out and diminished their relationship into ashes with just a few damning words.
Perhaps this outing wasn’t just about him proving to her what a changed man he was, but for him to try to figure out what the hell to do next and how far he wanted to take things with her once they got back to reality.
When he finally pulled up to the dock and secured the yacht, he went below deck. He hoped the last forty-five minutes had given Cat enough time to see that he wasn’t going to literally jump her. The playful banter had taken a sexual turn, but he wasn’t sorry. He was only sorry Cat hadn’t come up once to see him. This initial space was probably for the best. After all, today was the first time they’d been fully alone and not sneaking into the bathroom or laundry area of his father’s home for a make-out session.