Page 35 of Maid for a Magnate
Damn. When had this petite woman taken control over him? When had he allowed it? There wasn’t one moment he could pinpoint, but there were several tiny instances where he could see in hindsight the stealthy buildup of her power over him.
Cat laughed as she slid down a bit further in the chair and gazed down at him beneath heavy lids. “If your father could see you on the floor rubbing his maid’s feet, you’d lose your prestigious position at Rowling Energy.”
Will froze, holding her gaze. It may have been a lighthearted joke, but there was so much truth to her statement about how angry this would make his father. But Will had already set in motion his plan to freeze his father out of the company.
Besides, right now, Will didn’t care about Patrick or Rowling Energy. What he did care about was the woman who was literally turning to putty in his hands. Finally, he was going to show her exactly what they could be together and anticipation had his heart beating faster than ever.
“Does this feel good?” he asked.
Her reply was a throaty moan, sexy enough to have his body responding.
“Then all of the other stuff outside of this cabin doesn’t matter.”
Blinking down at him, Cat replied, “Not to me, but I bet if your father made you choose, you’d be singing a different tune.”
Just like last time.
The unspoken words were so deafening, they actually drowned out the beating of the rain and the wind against the small shelter.
Will’s best option was to keep any answer to himself. He could deny the fact, but he’d be lying. He’d worked too hard to get where he was to just throw it all away because of hormones.
At the same time, he planned on working equally as hard to win over Cat. There was no reason he had to give up anything.
His hand glided up to her ankle, then her calf. She said nothing as her eyes continued to hold his. He purposely watched her face, waiting for a sign of retreat, but all that was staring back at him was desire.
There was a silent message bouncing between them, that things were about to get very intimate, very fast.
The old cabin creaked and groaned against the wind’s force. Cat tensed beneath him.
“You’re safe,” he assured her softly, not wanting to break this moment of trust she’d settled into with him. “This place is so old. I know it has withstood hurricanes. This little storm won’t harm the cabin or us.”
And there weren’t any huge trees around, just thick bushes and flowers, so they weren’t at risk for anything falling on them.
Right now, the only thing he needed to be doing was pushing through that line of defense Cat had built up. And from her sultry grin and heavy lids, he’d say he was doing a damn fine job.
* * *
Catalina should tell him to stop. Well, the common sense side of her told her she should. But the female side, the side that hadn’t been touched or treasured in more time than she cared to admit, told her common sense to shut up.
Will had quite the touch. She had no idea the nerves in your feet could be so tied into all the girly parts. She certainly knew it now. Every part of her was zipping with ache and need. If he commanded her to strip and dance around the room naked, she would. The power he held over her was all-consuming and she was dying to know when he was going to do more.
She’d walked straight into this with her eyes wide open. So if she was having doubts or regrets already, she had no one to blame but herself. Though Catalina wasn’t doubting or regretting. She was aching, on the verge of begging him to take this to the next level.
Catalina’s head fell back against the chair as his hands moved to her other calf, quickly traveling up to her knee, then her thigh. She wanted to inch down further and part her legs just a tad, but that would be a silent invitation she wasn’t quite brave enough for.
“I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he muttered, barely loud enough for her to hear over the storm. “I’ve watched you for the past four years, wondering if you ever thought of me. Wondering if you ever fantasized about me the way I did you.”
Every. Single. Night.
Which was a confession she wasn’t ready to share. The ball was in his court for now and she planned on just waiting to see how this played out.
He massaged her muscles with the tips of his fingers and the room became hotter with each stroke. If the man could have such power over her with something so simple as a foot massage, how would her body react once Will really started showing her affection?
“Do you remember that time your mother caught us making out?” he asked with a half laugh.