Page 53 of A Royal Temptation
“I’ll take them back to Alma with me, if you prefer.” His back stiffened a little.
“No, no. Now that they’re here, I can’t turn them away. I... They’re special to me.”
Juan Carlos set the cat carrier down on the floor of the foyer. When he returned his gaze to hers, his eyes bored into her. “I had hoped you would say the same of me, sweetheart.”
Her eyes closed at his hopeful plea. “You shouldn’t have come, Juan Carlos.”
“I couldn’t stay away. It’s not finished between us.”
She sighed. “It has to be. We’re not right for each other.”
He approached her and heaven save her, her pulse accelerated as he laid his palm on her cheek. She lifted her eyes to his. His heavy expression softened, as if touching her made all the difference. As if a light inside him was turned back on. “Not true. We’re good together. We’re meant for each other. I am here. Don’t turn me away, Portia. I would hope I am special to you, as well.”
His gaze dipped to her mouth. She swallowed. Oh, God, the pull, the magnetic force of his love surrounded her like a protective shield. She didn’t know where she found the will to back up a step, and then another. She couldn’t hide her emotions or the passion he instilled and as she moved, he moved with her, thrusting his body against hers until her backside met with the wall.
“I’ve come a long way for you, Portia.” His hands braced the wall, trapping her, so that she could only stare into his face and see his truth. “I’ve waited my entire life.”
His sweet, sincere words stymied any defenses she could muster. She put her hands on his chest but instead of shoving him away as she’d planned, her fingertips clung onto his shirt and her palms flattened against him. His breath hitched from her touch, and his immediate reaction to her nearly buckled her knees. How could she not love this man? How could she turn him away now?
“I came here to talk to you, sweetheart.”
She whispered, “Is that what you’re doing to me? Talking?”
He flashed a charming, inescapable smile. “Maybe showing is better than telling, after all.”
Then his mouth swooped over hers and claimed her in a breath-stealing kiss. His lips were rough but not unkind, wild but not crazy, sexy but not demanding. Caught up in the kiss, she couldn’t think beyond the pleasure he evoked. The love she’d tried to bury was resurrected and she fell deeper in love with this man, this honorable king who had come for her.
She’d missed him and didn’t know how much until this very second.
His tongue played over her lips and she opened for him. Sweeping inside her mouth, he kissed her again and again. A fire was building in her belly. She was past the point of refusal.
She was putty. He could do with her what he liked.
And she would enjoy every second.
She was lifted, floating on air now, held by two strong arms. She wrapped herself around his body, nestling her head into his chest. “Where’s your bed, Portia?”
She pointed to the doorway down the hall.
His strides were long and determined and steady.
He continued to kiss her without missing a step.
Juan Carlos set Portia down on a ruffled lavender bedspread. Matching pillows, some big, some small, surrounded her head. He did a quick scan of her room decorated in soft whimsical colors. Wispy white curtains covered the windows and modern pieces of art, mostly pastels and some oils, adorned the walls. It was so Portia: soft, delicate, sweet.
God, he loved her.
And he wasn’t going to leave here without her.
She was his prize, his love, the treasure he couldn’t live without.
He unbuttoned his shirt, spread it wide across his chest and then gave it a toss. He kicked off his shoes and socks and gazed into her eyes as he unfastened his belt.
Her brows lifted, her lips parted slightly and a sharp breathy gasp escaped her lips. Her hungry expression softened his heart, but made every other part of his body hard. He had one night to change her mind. He wouldn’t waste a minute. He took her hand and lifted her to her knees. “Come here, sweetheart,” he demanded. “Touch me. Put your hands on my body.”
Another gasp ripped from her lips and she moved to him. She wore a simple black dress with thin straps and short hemline. It adorned her breasts with just enough material to tempt him beyond belief. He ached to touch her, to shed her clothes and join their bodies, but first, he had to make her see how much she needed him, too. How perfect he was for her.