Page 56 of Dishing Up Love
He hooks the ugly-ass panties with his pointer fingers and slides them down and all the way off, not saying anything else about them as he watches where he tosses them, turning back. And I see his eyes catch on my scar, the whole reason I have a drawerful of those panties in the first place. I’m shaved bare, so it’s on full display, and I fight not to squirm under his stare.
Normally, I don’t give a shit about it. I haven’t been with anyone since my surgery. And even if I had, any other time, the lights would be out and everything so quick no one would take the time to look so closely at the other’s body. But here with Curtis, my overhead light is still on from before we left the house earlier, and I’m completely presented for his perusal.
The scar runs from one side of my bikini line to the other, about four inches of pink slightly puckered flesh. It’s been almost six months since my surgery, so it’s no longer sore. But when Curtis reaches up to run a fingertip gently along the line, I involuntarily jerk, and he looks up to meet my eyes.
“Does it hurt?” he asks softly.
I shake my head, biting my lip as my gaze bounces between the scar and his expression. Until he leans down and kisses the pink line from one end to the other then running his nose back to the other side. I melt into the bed, my heart peeking out of the rubble that was its protective tower as Curtis soothes any embarrassment I felt before.
“What’s it from?” he murmurs, tracing his finger over it once more.
“Myomectomy,” I reply, and at his questioning look, I explain quietly, “I had some of the fibroids removed that were affecting my blood pressure. I was sleeping close to fourteen hours a day, and finally Emmy dragged me to the doctor. They did the ultrasound and found them, and I had the surgery almost six months ago.”
“Did it help? You feel better?” he asks, concern in his eyes, and my heart starts throwing the rubble out of its way, clearing a path for its escape.
I nod, my lip trembling a little bit, and I inhale at the unexpected emotion. He’s suddenly above me, looking straight down into me with his stormy eyes, and all I can see is him.
“That’s all that matters, sweet girl. You could be scarred from head to toe, and wear nothing but those godawful… whatever those were, and you’d still be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. It’s your inside I’m completely falling head-over-heels for, and as long as that inside is feeling the way it should, then that is all I care about,” he tells me, and my throat gets tight. “So is your inside feeling the way it should, sugar?” He leans down and nuzzles my neck, and my eyes flutter closed.
“Starting to…” I whisper. “Starting to feel a lot better than it ever did. I think—” My face grows hot at admitting this aloud, but he deserves to hear it, since he’s been so open with me. “—you might be healing whatever it is inside me the doctors would never be able to. You’re making my heart feel a lot better about things going on with the rest of my body that I never thought I’d recover from.” A single tear slides down my temple and into my hair, and Curtis presses a kiss to its track before moving to my lips, letting me taste the salt as my tongue meets his.
After the most world-rattling kiss I’ve ever experienced, he thankfully lightens the intensity of the mood before I turn into a sobbing mess of emotions. “Now, how ’bout I make a different part of your insides feel good?”
I wrinkle my nose as he kisses his way back down my body. “Ew,” I state, feeling him chuckle as he settles between my thighs.
“Yeah, that sounded a lot better in my head,” he says, and then all words leave my mind as he takes his first taste of me, running his tongue from the very bottom of my opening to circle around my clit. I sigh at the teasingly soft touch of his lips as he presses a kiss to the bundle of nerves, but then my back arches as his grip on me tightens, and all hell breaks loose.
He growls as his control suddenly snaps, making me gasp as he covers me with his whole mouth and sucks. I let out a mewl of shocked pleasure as he releases his suction right over my clit, making a popping sound as if he just pulled a sucker out of his mouth. My thighs tighten around his shoulders as I try to grasp all the intense bolts of desire his mouth is provoking; it’s almost like it’s too much all at once, but he continues eating me like a man possessed, and all I can do is dive my hands into his thick blond hair and hold on for dear life, because there is no stopping him.