Page 2 of The Guardian's Promise
The horses’ hooves came closer. “As you know, I repay a debt of kindness. Your father offered me refuge when I was wounded. Come.” He extended his hand toward the small village. “We must get you back within the walls of your home.”
The sound of the muffled clops halted, replaced by the creaking of leather as the men dismounted. Ari’s muscles tensed. He faced the pair of guards and forced his life’s blood to an even rhythm. The men standing before him were the queen’s own personal guards, which meant they were on a mission much higher than destroying altars to God and keeping peace. Had they discovered the child survived?
“Looks like we’ve interrupted two lovers.”
She squeaked. “You dare—”
Ari pierced her with a dark look and shoved her behind his back. He bowed his head. “Forgive my mistress.”
* * *
Words clung to the tip of her tongue. Self-control had never been one of her gifts. The blame could be tossed at Ari’s feet for causing her lack of speech. His humility had been replaced with an uncharacteristic bold protectiveness leaving her confused. Not to mention the touch on her arm had caused her knees to turn to honey and her toes to curl. Something Esha, the man seeking her hand in marriage, had never caused.
Who was this man who often offended her with his kindness? This man who insisted she was weak and helpless by his actions?
“She’s distraught over the immature crop.” Ari picked a budding green fruit from the tree as if to prove his statement.
“Your mistress, you say?” The taller of the two soldiers stepped forward and pushed Ari aside. He lifted his fingers and touched her hair.
Bile churned in her stomach. It was squashed when Ari grasped the guard’s wrist and stepped back in front of her. Protecting her like a shield. The shorter of the two soldiers placed his hand on the hilt of his sword even as he took a step back.
The man laughed. “You are bold, slave.”
“Servant. I am a servant.” He dropped the soldier’s wrist. “It is my duty to protect my master’s property. Including his daughter’s virtue.” Ari seemed to grow ten feet taller and two feet wider. His bronzed skin gleamed in the hot sun. His stance and bearing caused both guards to shrink. How had she not noticed how strong and handsome he was? Because he treats you like a crippled beggar.
“If this woman’s virtue is a matter of importance to her father, why does he allow her to venture away from her home alone and without covering her head?”
Mira bit down on her tongue. Her virtue was hers alone, not her father’s. Not any man’s. However, the law said otherwise. A law the guard did not recognize. She arched onto her toes and tried to peer over Ari’s shoulder. His silky black hair lifted on a breeze, tickling her nose and forcing her back to her feet.
Ari shifted, blocking more of her view. “Forgive me, we were under the belief God’s Law no longer matters.”
Laughter erupted from both the guards. “You are correct, slave. God is dead. The queen’s law rules this land, along with the wooden idols she worships.”
Hidden behind his back she couldn’t see much, but she could see the tick in Ari’s jaw, feel the heat emanating from his skin, the controlled anger exuding with each of his measured breaths. She knew he did not approve of Queen Athaliah’s worship of idols made by men, knew he continued to worship God and keep His commands.
A low rumble vibrated from Ari. “Her—”
She fisted Ari’s tunic in her hands, halting his words.
“Her father, my master is expecting us.”
Mira relaxed her hold on his garment but kept her fingers pressed against his back. His solid presence brought her comfort in the midst of danger, and for once she was thankful for his interference.
“Your master can wait.” The guard reached around Ari and grabbed ahold of her wrist.
Chapter Two
The soldier yanked on Mira’s arm, pulling her from behind Ari’s back. Ari bit down on the inside of his cheek. He would not allow this man to harm her. However, if he fought the men with the training he’d received among the temple guards, they’d know he was not who he seemed to be. They’d wonder why a warrior priest pretended to be a servant among a simple farmer and his family and Athaliah’s entire army would descend upon this tiny village with destruction. His years of servitude would be for naught if the rightful king of Judah met his death because Ari could not maintain control.
When the guard grabbed a handful of Mira’s hair and buried his nose in the locks, every muscle in Ari’s body vibrated with the need to kill him. He palmed the lava stone and shifted forward ready to die protecting his mistress as she had done for him when she’d fought off a pack of dogs ready to devour his battered body. That night, long ago, burned in his memory. The way she had fended off the dogs with no more than a firebrand. He had been beaten by men such as these, left barely alive only to be ravaged by wild animals. If it had not been for her and her courage, he would have died at the jaws of the hungry beasts. He would not allow her to be treated harshly by these men.