Page 6 of The Guardian's Promise
Mira dipped her head to hide the blushing of her cheeks at her sister’s words. It had not been the first time she’d watched him over the years, though she had never before been caught. He was a fine man, as handsome as any. His bearing strong and proud, yet humble and diligent. He was unlike any man she had ever known, free or slave. His heart seemed good. Yet, he angered her often.
True, he saw past her imperfections. He never looked at her with disgust. Instead, he coddled her, suffocated her as if she were...helpless. Defenseless. Of course, today, she would have been at the mercy of the soldiers if Ari had not intervened. She was thankful, yet angry. Why?
“What authority have you to say such things, sister?”
Rubiel gripped Mira’s chin and looked her in the eyes. “He is a bond servant, Mira. You should seek to marry your equal.”
Mira bowed her head releasing her sister’s hold. She recalled the way the corded muscles in his shoulders and arms vibrated. The coldness in his eyes as if he could fell the soldiers with one look. Even armed with their swords they had backed away from Ari as if they, too, thought him deadly.
For a small moment she had glimpsed a different man. A dangerous man, one who was not from humble means. A man far above her status. In that moment he brought to mind the stories of King David’s mighty men. Men who single-handedly defeated great armies. “It does not mean he is any less of a man.”
“Oh, dear. Ari is very honorable, but he will soon leave us.”
The thought hitched in her throat. What would her father do without him? “Perhaps, he might stay.”
“What of his people? Have you thought of them? He might have a wife.”
Although she’d often wondered where Ari had come from she never once had imagined he might have a wife. True, he often left their villa with her father’s permission, but she never thought it was to visit family. Surely, if he’d had one she would have known.
“You need a local man. What of Esha? He seems to like you well enough. He works hard and is handsome.” Rubiel raised the jar full of water from the well.
“Esha works hard on drinking Abba’s wine.”
Rubiel laughed. “What does that matter? He’d be a good husband sleeping all the time as he does.”
“Bah, I would rather have no husband than one of Esha’s character, even if he is handsome enough as you say. I have enough chores to attend. I do not need to take care of a drunkard, as well.”
“Mira, you must truly consider Esha. My Nathan says he is the one man who does not mind that you are maimed. Besides, if Ari stays, he can help you take care of your husband.” Rubiel glanced at the man walking beside her father with appreciation. “He’s certainly strong enough to tend to your future husband. Ari does everything else for you.”
“Esha is not my betrothed, nor will he ever be.” Heat flooded her cheeks. “Besides, if Ari stays it’ll be for Abba and no other reason. He only helps me to repay a debt he believes he owes.”
“For saving his life?” Rubiel nodded toward Mira’s hand. “It is commendable of you, sister, for saving him from those dogs when he was left for dead, especially with your fear of the beasts. Does the slave know? Does he know why your fingers are scarred and twisted?”
Mira shook her head and curled her mangled fingers into the folds of her tunic. If only she had listened to her father when she was but a girl she never would have wandered off alone and been attacked by a wild dog. Then she could have married long ago. Married for love, not for the price of her father’s land, which she had no doubt was all Esha hoped to gain. She closed her eyes and gathered what courage she could find.
“Abba’s patience is at an end. I heard him speaking with Ima. If you do not find a husband soon, he’ll accept Esha’s suit.”
Esha might be handsome, but she didn’t miss the look of revulsion whenever he spied her. No doubt, he would be a cruel husband. Perhaps not abusive, but he would neglect her. Given the way he reacted whenever he glanced at her hand, there would be no union between them. No children. She was certain he only coveted her father’s land and his wine.
“If only there were more men as diligent as Ari. One who has not forsaken God. One who will see Abba’s land become even more prosperous.” One who made her heart flutter as Ari had done when he’d smoothed her hair behind her shoulder earlier. If only he felt something besides pity for her, maybe a little respect for her abilities to care for a household.
“Your slave will be free in a few days’ time. He’ll leave as they all do.”
“Ari will stay,” Mira predicted. “He has to. Abba depends on him too much.” If he didn’t, then she would follow him and convince him to return to her father’s house.