Page 11 of Overtime for Love
She looked around for her keys. “What? No.” The keys were on the end table next to the couch. She snatched them up.
Nate leaned back on the couch and crossed one ankle over the other knee. “Then why does Cory think something is going on?”
“He recognized me from the club.” She looked toward the hall to make sure Cory wasn’t coming back. Cory knew she was a bartender; he didn’t know where she served drinks. “He came into Sweethearts after they won the championship.”
Nate nodded his head as if everything suddenly made sense. “Ahh, so he’s trying to get you in bed.”
Angela slapped Nate’s arm and laughed. “No, he’s not.”
Nate scooted away and shrugged. “That’s what it sounds like to me.”
“Regardless of what it sounds like, we can’t hook up even if I wanted to. Cory would get kicked out of the camp and I’m not going to ruin his summer more than his parents already have.”
She was Cory’s support system for the summer. As much as the idea of being responsible for a teenager scared her, she wouldn’t let fear keep her from doing her best to smooth out this rocky patch.
“You’re not going to disappoint him,” Nate said. “There aren’t many people who would take in their brother’s child without one word of complaint. I haven’t heard you say a single negative thing since Heather dumped him on you.”
Nor would she. Of course she was mad Heather dropped off Cory and then hadn’t called since, but the idea of Cory thinking she resented having him brought back her own ugly memories of her aunt’s daily reminders of how much of a burden she and her brother were.
“He wasn’t dumped on me. I’m his aunt and I can handle things. I’m not upset about having Cory here. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure he’s happy and comfortable until his mom returns.” If she returned. Heather hadn’t set a definite return date. Her brother had four more years until she saw him.
“You aren’t the least bit worried about what will happen if she isn’t back before school starts?”
A cold sweat broke out over Angela’s skin. She took a deep breath. No need to freak out about something that hadn’t happened. “I got this,” she said with a confidence that was a little shaky on her part. “I can handle whatever comes my way.” She eyed the strength tattoo on her wrist and ran her finger over it. Her and one teenage boy for a few months. She could do this on her own.
Nate stood, wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave her a side hug. “Nothing ever shakes Angela Bouler. I know you got this. You always handle your business.”
Nate’s confidence in her abilities overpowered her own doubts. “Which means I won’t get him kicked out of camp just because Isaiah Reynolds might be interested in me.”
“But if there was no camp issue, you’d want something to happen?”
A buzz of excitement tickled her. “I don’t mess with the guys I meet at the club.”
“Then why are you grinning from ear to ear?”
She forced the smile off her face. “I’m going to be late from work.” Nate laughed and heat spread up Angela’s neck and cheeks. “’Bye, Nate.”
Nate chuckled and walked her to the door. “I’m just saying, when you hook up with Isaiah Reynolds, don’t forget you’ve got friends that want tickets.”
Angela waved him off. “Thanks again.” She ignored his laughter as she went out the door.
Okay, so the idea of getting to know Isaiah Reynolds a little better wasn’t terrible. She’d been interested that night they’d talked in the club, but he’d left without a backward glance. Then on Monday, when she’d bumped in to him, she’d thought he’d been flirting but he’d brushed off her assumption only to kinda flirt with her the rest of the week. Or maybe she just wanted to believe he was flirting. She couldn’t get a read on him. Which made her feel silly for the way her pulse raced and her body buzzed when he’d touched her wrist. She was in the middle of a crush and he was looking at her as if she was just another random fan.