Page 20 of Overtime for Love
“Another sign of your strength.” His gaze lowered to her wrist.
Angela glanced down at the tattoo there. The symbol for strength she’d gotten after getting through her first year of undergraduate studies. “You remembered what this stands for?” She turned her hand over until her wrist faced up and ran the fingers of her other hand over the symbol.
“I’m not likely to forget. That night we talked, you seemed really proud of the tattoo. I could tell in your voice you’re not a woman likely to succumb to weakness.” His dark eyes met hers and her insides quivered like a dozen newly emerged butterflies. “That’s a really admirable trait.”
The heat from a blush started in her chest and crept up to her cheeks. She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked back at her tattoo. His gaze stayed on her. She wanted to squirm, or wiggle closer to him. Time to get out of there.
“Thanks for talking to him and telling me,” she said. She hated interference, but he’d given her good insight on what was happening with Cory. For that, she couldn’t be upset.
She moved to get up and Isaiah placed his fingertips on her arm. The touch was light, but she felt it all the way to her small toe. The man sent electric currents through her whenever they touched.
“There was another thing,” he said. He pulled his hand back quickly.
She still felt the light imprint of his touch on her arm. “What?”
“He likes a girl here at camp. I think that was bothering him, too.”
“Girl trouble, too.” She was completely unprepared to give him advice when it came to a girl. She didn’t want to imagine that he was ready for that. Imagining meant acknowledging she had a thirteen-year-old with raging hormones in her house and all that came with it.
She must have made a look because Isaiah held up a hand as if to tell her not to freak out. “Don’t worry, I talked to him about that, too. I gave him a little advice.”
“What advice did you give him?”
“Basic advice. I told him that if you like a girl, then talk to her. Tell her how you feel. Don’t hide in the corner because she’s sure to ignore you.”
She relaxed a little. That wasn’t too bad. Not that she should have expected him to tell Cory something asinine. He was the good guy of the team. “Is that what you do? Tell a woman when you like her?”
“It is.” He glanced at her tattoo. Slowly brought his gaze up her body to meet hers. Angela’s body reacted as if she’d been caressed. “For instance, I like you.”
Her lips parted. Her heart did a now-or-never tango in her chest. She’d wondered if she’d just imagined the vibe between them. Those three simple words plus the intense look in his eyes gave her the answer. A giddy excitement of knowing the guy she’d been crushing on felt the same made her feel like she was soaring. Isaiah seemed to focus on her parted lips. His eyes darkened with a promise of passion. He swallowed hard and shifted on the bench. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was nervous or unsure. Which was kind of cute.
“I like you, too,” she whispered.
Isaiah ran his hands over his thighs. He cleared his throat. “I should—”
Angela leaned in and brushed her lips over his before she lost her nerve. One kiss, that’s all she wanted. She wasn’t one to be shy about things and if he was unsure, she didn’t want him to think she wasn’t interested. Three weeks until the camp ended and she didn’t want to have a what-if thought in her head when she was actually free to see if the connection they’d started that night at the bar was real.
She’d intended to make the kiss brief. Just to let him know she was interested. But his hand cupped the side of her face right before she would have pulled away. Angela leaned farther into him. Isaiah’s other arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. His head slanted and he kissed her deeply. Not a hard, demanding kiss, but a definite answer to her softer question. His lips and tongue played across her mouth, causing her to crave more with each pass. She gripped his upper arm and pressed closer to him. She wanted to twist her position and straddle his hips.
If she did that in this skirt, they’d be screwed…or screwing.