Page 23 of Overtime for Love
“I’m not humming,” Angela said before concentrating on the rum and Coke she was making.
“I can hear you humming over the music.” Vicki leaned against the bar next to Angela. Her whiskey-colored gaze analyzed Angela from head to toe. “And you’re grinning. What gives?”
“Why are you over here? Aren’t you next onstage?” Angela asked without any heat. Vicki always came over to chat during the night, but until her friend pointed it out, Angela hadn’t realized she had been humming and smiling. Cupid had definitely speared her with one of his arrows.
“Sapphire just started, and based on the amount of money being tossed onstage, I’ll be lucky to get pennies after she’s done.” There wasn’t a lick of hate in Vicki’s tone. There was still plenty of money to be made and Honey never failed to have guys reaching deep into their pockets.
One of the waitresses came over and Angela put the drinks she’d prepared on her tray. After she walked away, Angela faced Vicki.
“So, go ahead and tell me. Why are you humming? Is it a man?” Vicki twirled a lock of hair around her finger and eagerly watched Angela.
“Why does it have to be a man?”
“And you must like him a lot.” Vicki pointed at Angela and bounced on her toes. “You’re blushing and trying not to grin from ear to ear. You’re crazy about him.”
Angela put a hand on her hip. “Am I that easy to read?”
“Yes. Now tell me who he is.”
Angela glanced at the men sitting at the bar. None of them paid her or Vicki any attention. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
Vicki slid close. “Now I’ve got to know.”
“You’re going to think I’m crazy.” Angela thought the entire situation was crazy.
Vicki rubbed her hands together. “Finally, you’ve got something juicy in your love life. I can’t be the only one with a story.”
“My situation is nowhere near as intriguing as yours.” Vicki was sneaking around with one of the bouncers named Bruno. Their boss, Z, had a strict policy of no fraternizing between employees. Vicki and Bruno had been seeing each other on the sly for almost a year. Which meant Angela had spent the last year living vicariously through Vicki and her we-almost-got-caught-in-the-dressing-room stories.
Vicki raised a shoulder and batted her eyes in an exaggerated fashion. “What can I say, the forbidden excites me.” The both laughed.
Work and school had kept Angela’s dating life to a few coffee dates that weren’t worth progressing to lunch, never mind dinner. Listening to Vicki’s stories made her yearn for her own illicit encounter. The memory of Isaiah’s hard, hot body next to hers. The hum of desire vibrating below the surface when they’d kissed. The I’m-going-to-explode-if-I-don’t-touch-him feeling right before they’d kissed.
“I can understand the temptation of wanting what you shouldn’t have,” Angela said breathlessly.
Vicki’s eyes widened. “Okay, start talking right now. No one is paying us any damn attention. Go.”
Angela laughed at Vicki’s customary direct nature. “You remember when the Gators came in after their championship win?”
“Yeah, and you spent all night talking to the preppy one at the bar.”
Angela nodded but didn’t say anything more. Vicki’s jaw dropped. Her hand covered her mouth. “You and the preppy one?”
Vicki was the closest thing to a sister Angela had and the words spilled out of her. “Cory is in the camp they put on every summer. He recognized me. The vibe is still there.”
“So you’re hooking up?”
“We can’t. If we hook up, Cory’s out of the program.” A new drink order printed on the bar printer. “But I think he likes me.”
“Okay, tell me what he did and I’ll tell you if he likes you.”
“He kissed me. Well, I kissed him. But my kiss was real quick and then he really kissed me back.” Her body flushed.
Vicki slapped Angela’s arm. “Yeah, chick, I think he likes you.”
“I know. Which is crazy, right? It has to be crazy. Guys like that don’t come in places like this and really fall for us.”