Page 25 of Overtime for Love
The problem was, he didn’t want to let her go, either.
They made it to the executive suite, where business moguls and movie stars typically watched the Gators play. Many of the parents were already there. The kids ran to them, showing pictures on their phones and telling stories about behind the scenes in the auditorium with bright smiles and excited voices.
Isaiah scanned the crowd and found Angela talking to Cory in the middle of the room. Her light laughter at something Cory said brought a smile to his lips. Maroon pants molded to her curvaceous hips and thighs. A short-sleeved black lacy blouse draped over full breasts and provided tempting glimpses of smooth skin. She was so damn sexy.
He should mingle and talk with the other parents. That was the right thing to do as camp host, but he headed straight to her and Cory.
They both glanced his way, their expressions open and welcoming. He met Angela’s gaze and felt a hitch in his chest. The subtle shade of red on her lips enhanced their fullness. Brought to mind memories of how great they’d tasted. Desire tightened and flexed like a tiger ready to strike inside him. His pants felt tighter, and he ignored the urge to tuck at his waistband. No need to bring attention to what was happening there.
Cory spoke as soon as Isaiah walked up. “Mr. Isaiah, I was just telling Auntie about the tour. Maybe you could show her around so she could see everything.”
Angela shook her head. “That’s not necessary. I’m just happy you all got to see it.”
“I wouldn’t mind showing you around.” Why in the world had he offered that?
Because of all the halls and empty rooms you could kiss her in.
“Maybe one day,” Angela said. “After camp is over and you have more flexibility.”
There was a hopeful note to her voice. The underlying implication clear. Would they finish what they started when Cory’s spot was no longer a question? The right answer was no. The answer he wanted to give was hell yes. What would be the harm in keeping his options open with Angela in case things didn’t work out with Bridget?
Now you sound like Will. You are not a player.
“Hey, there’s Denise.” Cory turned to Angela. “I’ll be right back.” He hurried across the room to talk her.
Angela chuckled. “Is that the girl you told me about?”
Thank goodness for distractions. “Yes. She’s the one.”
“She’s cute. She doesn’t seem annoyed that he came over. I hope she likes him, too. I’m not ready for a teenage heartbreak.” Angela watched her nephew with interest and a little concern.
“You don’t have to worry about that—at least, not yet. I think she likes him.”
“I have no idea how much of the talk my brother or his mother gave him.” A panicked look crossed her face. “Crap, I may have to give him the talk.”
Isaiah instinctively brushed her arm in comfort. Her skin was soft with the firmness of toned muscle beneath. Her breathing increased. Was that because of his touch or remaining worry for Cory? His hand wanted to linger, caress, and savor the softness of her skin. With effort, he made himself slowly pull back.
“I don’t think you need to do that. I’ve overheard some of the boys talk. He knows the basics.”
Angela’s chest rose and fell with quick breaths. “Knowing the basics is nothing close to knowing how to not toy with a girl’s emotions, or get his toyed with. No one likes to be played for a fool, ya know?”
He did. Which was why he shouldn’t have touched or kissed her. Why he had to tell her about Bridget. “I’ve been wanting to talk—”
“Oh, I want to show you something.” She said at the same time. She’d opened her purse to dig something out. She pulled out a sheet of paper that looked like it had been torn out of a magazine.
“What’s that?”
“It was in this local magazine we get in the office. They had an article about an underwater filmmaker doing a documentary about sharks off the coast of Florida. He’s going to be in our area. I remembered you love sharks and thought you’d find this interesting.”
She handed the paper to him. Isaiah scanned the article, then returned his gaze to meet hers. “You remembered that?”