Page 44 of Overtime for Love
“Having Cory in the camp has been great,” Keri said. “Even if there were some touchy moments.”
Angela frowned. “Touchy moments? Has he given you any problems?”
Keri’s grin turned sly. “Not Cory. I’m hoping you and Isaiah can make it one more week.”
Angela’s face heated. “Nothing happened.” At the camp anyway. “I didn’t approach him or ask for anything.” She didn’t want Keri to think she’d used this opportunity to get anything from the players.
“I know. He told me the same thing. But you two could cause fires when you see each other. Let’s just say, I hope you can continue to hold out a little longer. I really don’t want to have to dismiss Cory. But… I also can’t really get angry when I see a relationship blossom. What can I say? I’m a bit of a romantic.” Keri winked. “Good luck. He’s a good one.”
Before Angela could correct her and say nothing would happen between her and Isaiah, another parent walked up to sign out their kid. Keeping her gaze away from Isaiah’s naked chest, Angela searched the crowd and found Cory gathering his things from a pile at the other end of the tent. She walked over to him.
“Well, how was the beach barbecue?” she asked.
Cory’s grin split his face. “Awesome. Did you see we beat Isaiah’s team in volleyball?”
“I did. Great job.” The back of her neck prickled. This time she was filled with a jolt of excitement, as opposed to trepidation. She didn’t have to turn to know the man who watched her. “Ready to go?” She hoped Cory didn’t pick up on the note of desperation in her voice. She had to get out of here.
“Yeah, just a second. I wrote something for Denise.” He gave her a sheepish smile. “I didn’t want to give it to her at the start of the day and give the guys a chance to see. Let me take it to her now.”
“Okay, but hurry.”
Cory nodded, then ran across the sand to a group of kids standing by the volleyball net. He said a few words to Denise and the two of them separated from the group. Please let him hurry up so we can leave before I jump Isaiah.
“Hello, Angel.”
Too late. Isaiah’s voice warmed her like the sun’s rays. She slowly turned to face him. Up close, half-naked Isaiah was worse than far away. She’d touched that chest. Felt the softness of his skin over the hardness of muscle. She dragged her eyes up from his abs and chest to the seductive heat in his eyes.
“Good game.” It was a dumb statement, but she didn’t know what else to say.
“You look beautiful.” His voice held a note she was afraid to believe was wonder.
“Don’t. I thought I was clear—”
He took a step forward. The smell of sweat, cologne and his underlying scent made her body tremble. “I didn’t lie. Bridget and I are done.”
“You also haven’t called me.” Damn, did she have to sound so hurt? She didn’t want him to see she was hurting.
“I don’t have your number and asking Cory or Keri was out of the question. I’d hoped to catch you this week.”
“I had to work late.”
“I would have watched Cory.”
Her eyes snapped to his. “I don’t need you to watch him. I had it covered. We don’t need to get attached to you.”
“I’m already attached to you, Angela,” he said softly, hesitantly. If the statement had been bold or demanding she would have been able to defend herself. When he sounded just as confused and swept away as she felt, she had no defense. Only yearning.
“Isaiah, I…” She didn’t know how to respond. She was attached to him, too, but to tell him that gave him too much power over her heart. She wasn’t ready to give him that.
His lips lifted in a smile. “It’s funny. I couldn’t forget you after we met that first time. This camp was a coincidence that brought us back together. I don’t want to forget about you. I don’t want to pretend to be happy with the arrangement Bridget and I had.” He took her hand in his. “I don’t want any obstacles to stop us from being together.”
As much as she wanted to give in and say yes, pessimism bubbled up. “I don’t want to be your rebound, or an intermission in your relationship with her. Don’t come for me if you don’t really want to be with me.”