Page 50 of Overtime for Love
He ran his hands over her thighs and grinned at her. “Damn, you’re sexy as hell.”
“So are you.” She ran her fingers over his chest.
Something tightened in his chest. His smile drifted as everything he was feeling overwhelmed him. “I’m going to want you here every night.”
Surprise flashed in her eyes. Isaiah wished he could take the words back. Not cool to reveal he was so addicted to her already.
Her grin turned wicked. “Then let me give you something to remember on the nights I’m not here.”
Before he could be thankful she hadn’t explored his admission, Angela ducked between the covers. Her warm lips closed over him. Isaiah gripped the sheets. Remember her only at night? He was going to remember her every moment of every day.
Angela and Vicki sipped coffee in the mall food court that Saturday afternoon. Cory had wanted to meet Denise at the mall, and since she wasn’t quite ready to drop him off and leave him alone despite him insisting that she could, Angela had woken up Vicki and asked her to meet her there. She wanted the company, but what she really needed was to talk to someone about what happened with Isaiah.
She’d just given Vicki an overview of their fantastic date, skimming through the really good parts and ending with his declaration of wanting her over every night. She wanted to be with him every night, too. Which was crazy because they’d just started dating. Vicki was jaded enough to be able to see through Angela’s sunshine-and-roses point of view and tell her to be careful.
Vicki pursued her lips and shook her head. “Girl, you know you can’t believe what a man tells you in bed. Especially before, during, or after sex. Don’t read anything in to that.”
Vicki played with the straw in her double expresso macchiato. She’d worked the night before and typically slept in late. Even though she hated the mall, she’d thrown on a pair of light green shorts and a matching tank, popped her hair into a ponytail and met Angela. Angela appreciated Vicki’s show of friendship.
“I know,” Angela said in an exaggerated tone. “I’m reading too much into this, right? It’s because I like him so much. I haven’t liked a guy like this since…” She tried to remember.
Vicki rolled her eyes. “Since never. At least not while I’ve known you.”
They’d known each other since Angela first began working at Sweethearts. “I’ve liked guys. I just haven’t really been feeling one. I meet guys at the day job and they’re either volunteers I can’t get involved with or the deadbeat parents I’m helping. The guys who hit on me at the club…you know you can’t believe the feelings you get from the guys we meet at the club.”
Which was why she’d gone so long without a serious relationship, but was Isaiah the right guy to get serious with?
“What makes him any different from the other guys we meet?” Vicki asked. “Most of them come to the club with condoms in their pockets, ready to get laid.”
Vicki was examining her nails so she missed Angela’s wince. Hadn’t Isaiah done the same thing? Sure, he said his teammate always gave them out to the fellas when they went to clubs, but that didn’t mean he really hadn’t come expecting more than just to tell her he was done with Bridget—or worse, hook up with someone else.
“How many people know?” Angela asked.
“Everyone.” Vicki met her gaze. “You know Sapphire and Juicy were listening on the other side of the door, and they are the two most hating heifers at Sweethearts. They’ve been trying to get one of those players to ask them home for months. Only to have the bartender land one?”
She said bartender as if it was unheard of, but Angela didn’t take offense. The bartenders weren’t what the men came to Sweethearts for and she knew it. She ran a hand over her face. This wasn’t going to be good.
“Did Bruno say what Z is going to do?” Z had a strict policy against the women in the club doing anything with the patrons on club property. That’s how he was able to say his place was classy, unlike some other clubs.
“Nope. He’s saying he doesn’t believe it, but I think that’s because he doesn’t want to fire you. So, get your story straight before tonight.” Angela was on the schedule for tonight and she wasn’t looking forward to facing Z. She knew she couldn’t lie to him, but she also couldn’t afford to lose her job right before the last semester.