Page 62 of Overtime for Love
Cory opted to help the men work the grill. Linda and April chatted with Angela. “We already made a salad and coleslaw for later,” Linda said. “We’ll let the men handle the burning of the meat.”
The conversation flowed easily and stayed away from anything sensitive. After about thirty minutes, Angela felt more relaxed. Though Linda watched her closely, she didn’t pry or make Angela feel uncomfortable. After they ate and talked a little more, Angela had almost forgotten she was mad at Isaiah.
She went inside to get more ice and Isaiah followed her in. He walked up behind her at the fridge and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Is it bad that I can’t wait for my family to get the hell out of the house so we can have some time together?”
Angela chuckled and leaned back into the strength of his embrace. “Cory will still be here.”
“Yes, but Cory is easily distracted by video games.” He kissed the side of her neck, then inhaled deeply. “You smell delicious.”
Angela turned in his arms and hugged his waist. She made sure to keep her glass with the ice in it off his back. “Then you’ll have to taste me later.”
He groaned and kissed her hard. When they came up for air he didn’t let her go. “I think my family likes you.”
“You’re lucky your family is here. I was angry at you when I came over.”
His eyebrows drew together and he pulled back. “Why?”
She pulled out of his embrace. Mustering indignation was hard when she was in his arms. “You paid my rent for six months. Why did you do that?”
He shrugged as if that was no big deal. “I didn’t want you to worry while you got your finances in order.”
His nonchalance turned up her anger real quick. “I’m not worried. I have a handle on things.”
“Why are you upset? That’s one less thing to worry about during your last semester.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You won’t have to work so many hours at the club.”
Her suspicions peaked. “Working those extra hours is the reason I have things under control. I don’t need to be rescued.”
“Well, I don’t need my woman working harder than she has to when I can step in and make things easier.”
“That’s not the point. You went against my wishes.”
“I did something nice for you. I can’t believe you’re giving me grief over this. I’d think you’d be happy to not have guys drooling down your cleavage during your last semester of school.”
Angela took a step back. “That’s what this is really about? Guys drooling down my cleavage?”
He crossed his arms. “I wouldn’t be heartbroken if you didn’t work there.”
The realization was like a slap to the face. “Why is this suddenly a problem? Is this because of the thing with Jerry, or the news investigation?”
“It’s because you don’t have to be there anymore. You’re with me. I can handle things until you’re back on your feet.” He reached for her hands.
Angela pulled her hands back. “No, this isn’t just about that. You weren’t upset about me working there when we met. What changed?”
“What changed is that we’re together now. You’re my woman, how does it look for me to let you hang out behind a bar in a strip club with half the men in the area, and on my team, drooling over you and telling me about it the next day.”
Angela sucked in a breath. “You’re worried about what other people are going to think? Are you embarrassed by my job?”
“I’m not embarrassed, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I can get you out of there.”
Angela held up a finger. “News flash! You don’t have to get me out of anywhere.”
The door to the patio opened. Cory walked in with Isaiah’s brother, Tim. Their smiles died when they heard the last of Angela’s angry statement. They looked from her to Isaiah curiously. Angela couldn’t stay another minute. She’d end up saying something she would regret.
“Cory, grab your stuff. We’re going,” she said.
Cory sucked his teeth. “But, Auntie, I was just about to get on the game.”