Page 68 of Overtime for Love
“He loves you,” Vicki said, as if that explained everything. “He’s not just playing around with you. That’s why he did it.”
“But I don’t want to be dependent on him.”
“This doesn’t make you dependent on him. It makes your life much easier in the next few months while you fight the battle to get full custody of Cory.”
Nervous anticipation fluttered in Angela’s stomach. “I can’t believe I’m really going to be a mom.”
She hadn’t told Cory, but as she’d explained the situation to Vicki and thought about what could happen to Cory if she didn’t, she’d come to an immediate decision. She wouldn’t let him be shuffled around by a flighty mother, or sit in a foster home until Darryl was released to do who knew what. He needed stability, someone who wouldn’t just dump him, someone he could trust, and she would be that person.
Vicki rubbed Angela’s arms. “You’ll be a great mom. You already are, and Isaiah’s help will make the transition easier.”
“But what if I get used to his help and he snatches it away? What if I’m left high and dry and struggling again?”
“Are you going to ask him to always pay your bills?”
“Of course not.”
“Then you don’t have anything to worry about. He’s not going to take over your life unless you let him. And he’s not your aunt. He isn’t doing you a favor just to turn around and betray you later.”
“How do I know that? How do I know if trusting him is the right thing to do? I trusted family and family let me down.”
“Your aunt didn’t love you,” Vicki said simply. “Don’t view what she did as an act of a loving person. Isaiah sounds like the kind of man who says what he means without an ulterior motive. Trust your instincts. Do you really think he’ll try to take advantage of you, or are you just afraid to finally be in a relationship that will require you to trust him as much as you want to?”
Fear tightened her throat and her chest. She wasn’t falling in love with Isaiah, she had already fallen. She could imagine the type of life they could build, a life she wanted, but she was afraid to have that dream shattered.
Vicki must have read her face because her smile was sad. “Sorry, Angela, but sometimes you’ve got to step out on faith. Plus, how often do you meet a rich guy in a strip club that actually wants to do something besides peel off those wings and take you to bed?” Vicki asked with a grin.
The humor lessened some of the tightness in Angela’s chest and she laughed. “That’s not why I love him.”
“I know, but it’s not a bad perk, either.”
Z walked over and tapped his knuckles on the bar. “Are we finished with our touching moment?” Despite his words there was a trace of humor in his tone.
“What do you need, Z?” Angela asked.
“Another VIP group came in. Small party. One of the guys on the Gators team. He asked for you to serve the drinks specifically” He looked at Angela.
Angela pointed to her chest. “Why me? It’s not Isaiah, is it?”
Z shook his head. “Nah, the new guy traded to them. I don’t know why and I don’t like the look of him, but I’ve got no good reason to say you can’t. Just bring the drinks and let me know if he gives you any trouble, all right?”
Angela nodded. “I will.” Z’s bad feelings about customers usually proved to be correct. Angela and Vicki exchanged a look before she grabbed a note pad to write orders on and walked to the VIP.
Bruno stood close to the area. He gave her a reassuring nod before stepping aside to let her by. Some of her unease settled. Bruno didn’t care who the customers were—if the guy asking for Angela caused any problems, Bruno would get rid of him.
Angela took a deep breath of the lavender scent in her diffuser charm, pasted on a welcoming smile and walked up to the VIP. The two bodyguards there eyed her white tank top, black skirt and angel’s wings with interest, but stepped aside without talking.
“Hello, fellas, I’m Angel and I’m here to take your drink orders.” There were four men in the VIP. She recognized the one from the team. A younger player named Mark who dressed in a flashy style meant to show off the millions in his reported contract. The three with him were just as flashy, but didn’t look like anyone from the team she recognized and she assumed they were his friends or entourage.