Page 9 of Playing with Seduction
After the meeting, Miranda leaned in toward Liam, her voice low. “Has Wes committed to the project?”
“Not yet. But I expect he will soon.” Liam’s polite smile indicated that his vague response was the extent of their discussion on the matter.
Bree had reacted badly to seeing Wes. She realized that now. Was he waffling on the project because of her?
Wes didn’t seem like the kind of guy to let a little contention get in the way of something he really wanted. Still, if she was the reason he hadn’t committed, it was more important than ever that she apologize to him. Before he walked away from the project.
Bree said her goodbyes and headed down the hallway.
Liam caught up with her. “Bree, can I give you a ride to your guest house? I’m headed out for a lunch meeting.”
She wanted to politely reject his offer. Spend the short walk back to her place lost in her own thoughts. Her feet, already tired of the four-inch patent-leather heels she was wearing, had other ideas. “Sure.”
As they walked toward the front door, Liam stopped and turned to her. “I’m meeting with a few influential folks in town to quell their concerns about the commercialization of the island. It would be great if you came along. You’d be doing me a huge favor, if you don’t have other plans.”
She wanted to say no. She really did. But his pleading dark eyes and brilliant smile won her over. Besides, she’d taken the time to make up her face and wear a sexy outfit. She should get some mileage out of all that effort before heading back to the guest house and slipping into her comfy yoga pants and T-shirt.
“I’d love to meet some of the townspeople. Maybe even get them on board with the project early on. We’re going to need a lot of volunteers.”
Liam shook a finger, smiling. “I love the way you think. I owe you one.”
“Two, actually.” Bree held up two fingers. “The other is for not telling me Wes would be working on the project, too.”
Liam pressed his mouth into a straight line, an eyebrow raised.
“Perhaps I should’ve mentioned that. But I can’t say I’m sorry I didn’t. It would’ve been a shame if either of you begged off because of it. I think you two will make an excellent team.” His smile widened.
She sighed. No apology, but at least he’d given an honest response. That, she could appreciate.
“You’re right. I would’ve said no. That would’ve been a mistake.”
Liam grinned. “You’re both here. That’s what matters.”
Bree wasn’t so sure. After all, she’d committed to the project; Wes hadn’t. Maybe he’d decided that working with her wasn’t worth it. She forced a smile and tried not to let the hurt that arose from that thought crack her smiling veneer.
* * *
Wes parked the Challenger in front of the guest house, stepped out of the car and stretched his long frame. He’d spent the last two nights in one of his mother’s spare rooms. They had a delicious meal on the waterfront. By the time they ordered dessert she finally leveled with him about her Parkinson’s diagnosis. She brought him up to speed on her doctor’s prognosis and invited him to accompany her to her next doctor’s appointment, which had been today.
He’d spent the last two days getting his mother’s house back to the standards she’d always kept. He’d sifted through stacks of papers and mail, sorting and filing what was important, dumping what wasn’t. He’d vacuumed carpets, scrubbed floors and cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. Every muscle in his body ached. It reminded him of those brutal days on the rugby field at university. The days when he’d been sure he must be some guilt-ridden masochist to love the damn sport so much.
His mother’s doctor appointment was two hours before his meeting with Liam and Bree. He’d hoped to get back in time to catch part of the meeting, but the doctor’s office had used the term appointment loosely. By the time they got in to see the doctor, got blood tests, a CAT scan and filled her prescription, they were both exhausted. And there was no way he could make the meeting.
Bree had probably been thrilled by his absence.
Liam pulled behind his car, his face etched with concern. “You made it back. Everything all right?”