Page 51 of Bachelor Remedy
Dressed in a pair of comfortable jeans and two layers of shirts, he grabbed his boots and pack, and headed to Bering’s room. He would borrow his phone and call Ally when Bering headed down for breakfast.
Bering opened the door and waved Tag inside. “I’m almost ready. It’s going to be weird going on a fishing trip and not being the guide. Don’t let me try to take over,” he joked.
“I’ll make sure you don’t.” Tag took a seat in one of two oddly shaped, spindly legged chairs situated in the corner near the window while Bering rummaged through his bag.
After pulling out a pair of thick socks, he picked up his boots, crossed the room and lowered his muscled frame into the chair across from Tag. The chair protested with an ominous creak. Bering froze, socks and boots still in hand.
“Why would anyone even make a chair this small and stupid?” he whispered.
Tag laughed. “Don’t break it. It probably costs as much as your new jet boat.”
“No kidding.” Gingerly Bering rose and settled on the edge of the bed. “I’m glad you stopped by here because there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“Ready,” Tag said with feigned enthusiasm, expecting more campaign talk.
“I called Shay last night about your phone, like I told you I would.”
“I hate saying this to you, especially after I encouraged you.” Bering heaved out a sigh that sounded as painful as his expression appeared. “But she expressed some concerns.”
Tag shook his head, a mix of irritation and anger at his sister coursing through him. “This is about Ally?”
“Yes. I’m sorry. According to Shay, people are talking…” he paused to add an eye roll and air quotes “…and she’s worried about how it will look for you ‘being associated’ with her. Younger woman, possible midlife crisis, her medical…opinions. Shay is afraid people in town—voters—will turn on you.”
“Are you worried?”
“No, I’m not. I trust you, buddy. I know protecting Rankins is as important to you as it is to the rest of us and that you’d never do anything to jeopardize this campaign.”
He tilted his head back as if to study the ceiling and muttered some unintelligible words before fixing his gaze back on Tag. “I can’t believe I just said that. It sounds like I’m trying to use some sort of reverse psychology on you. And you know how I hate that kind of stuff. I wish I hadn’t even brought it up now, but she made me promise and you know Shay.”
Tag wanted to believe him, but he knew his cousin almost as well as he knew himself. Better in some ways. Next to his family, his town was his life. Tag knew the sacrifices and the efforts Bering had once made for Rankins. Winning this election was beyond important to him. It was Tag’s turn to step up to the plate. They’d already agreed on that, and the last thing Tag would ever do was let Bering, the rest of their family or his community down.
“But you told me it’s not serious, right?”
Tag nodded. “That’s right,” he said, irritation and disappointment curdling his gut. No way would he ask to borrow Bering’s phone now.
* * *
SUNDAY MORNING, ALLY stared at her phone and told herself everything was fine. It was good. It had been only two days. No calls. No texts. Completely and totally incommunicado. But it wasn’t like he’d told her he’d text or that he’d call. They were keeping it casual.
Stupidly, she realized now, she’d told him she wasn’t looking for a relationship. That had seemed like a selling point at the time to get him over the age-difference hurdle. Now it felt like its own hurdle. An invisible one that she was afraid to talk about for fear it would put them back at the start line.
And that kiss the night before he’d left had been anything but casual. It had felt… What was the opposite of casual? Serious? Real? Intense? All of the above. Had it all been one-sided?
Only one more day to go before he got back. All would be well when she saw him again. Her insecurities slipped away when they were together. In the meantime, he was probably super busy doing important political things. Surely she’d hear from him that evening when he returned. Of course she would. Unless…? Unless he was so busy he hadn’t had time to think about her? Ouch. She didn’t want to go there.