Page 64 of Bachelor Remedy
“I suppose you’d know, huh, Kendall? Seeing as how you’ve taken desperate to a whole new level.”
Kendall’s smile flickered, her nostrils flaring in anger as she looked at Iris. Tag was a little afraid of what she might do.
Before she could respond, Iris took Tag by the elbow and led him away from the crowd. “What are you doing? You have plans with your family and Ally is going to be here any minute.”
With a helpless shrug, he said, “I know, and I’m not thrilled about it, but the Meades are very important supporters of mine. You know the campaign has to come first right now. I have to do this.”
“Before Ally?”
“Iris, what are you getting at?”
“Ally will see you with her.”
Ignoring the twinge of doubt spreading through him, he said, “Ally won’t mind.”
“Okay, Tag, I didn’t say anything before because it seemed to blow over, but that photo of you and Kendall—”
“Iris, Ally and I talked about it. I explained everything and she understands how it is.”
“Understands what, exactly? I don’t understand, and I’m only your sister. Kendall calls you every day. Does Ally know that?”
“Not every day. Ally knows how it is with Kendall and me.” Sort of, he added silently, because he hadn’t told her how much Kendall had been calling. “She knows that photo was a…mistake. She understands how important this campaign is to…everyone. Besides, Ally’s not jealous.”
Iris lifted a hand and pressed a thumb hard to her temple. Silently, she stared over his shoulder for a few seconds before shifting her gaze back to him.
“It’s not about being jealous, Tag. Not exactly. It’s about…a lot of things, actually. But right now, it’s about this woman trying to get her hooks back into you. She knows what she’s doing. She’s obviously done her homework, and she’s trying to use this campaign to get close to you.”
Even if what Iris said was true, it didn’t matter. He couldn’t allow it to matter. “I can handle it.”
“Fine, go. But that woman is trouble and don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
* * *
“NOT ONLY IS your grandfather one of the most fascinating people I’ve ever met, but he could also charm the skin right off a snake.”
Ally smiled at the reporter. “I still can’t believe you traveled all the way to Saltdove to meet him.”
Laurel shrugged. “Worth every second. I’m not a fan of these interviews that are done through email these days. I can’t get to the essence of a person without meeting them. And in this case, I have to confess, Ally—I’m a little in love with Abe Mowak. I’d go out with him if we lived closer to each other. If he accepted my invitation, that is.”
Ally chuckled. “I have no doubt he would.”
She loved to hear people talk about her grandfather this way. Either people seemed to get him or they thought he was totally off base. Much like they did her, she was discovering. At least her grandfather didn’t have to concern himself with all the minute details of living his life, the way Ally did. Because of the nature of her job, she had to be careful about balancing one foot in the old ways and one in the new, while Abe just did what he thought was best without explaining himself. Laurel obviously got him.
“So, like you and Tag, a little age difference wouldn’t get in his way? You’d be okay calling me Grandma?”
Ally sobered, wondering if Laurel had a complaint about her relationship with Tag. Ally knew Laurel was a close friend of the family, especially of Shay, Emily and Janie. Janie wrote a column for the paper and Emily was a regular contributor.
“Ally, I’m teasing.”
“Unlike my dear friend Shay, I don’t think you and Tag should concern yourself with your age difference. Not that you seem to care what people think.”
This was where she was supposed to reveal the status of her relationship with Tag. Even if she’d known what it was, Ally wasn’t about to bite, but she had to admit the woman was a skilled interviewer. “I care what Tag thinks.”
Laurel laughed. “You are so much like your grandfather—wise, intelligent, grounded, capable, well-rounded. With a bit of mysterious thrown in to keep things interesting.”