Page 69 of Bachelor Remedy
Ally had already helped Iris set up the buffet table, fetched the plates and silverware, and mixed a huge carafe of lemonade. Together, Ally and his mom chopped the fruit for a salad, and then Ally had thrown together the ingredients for Mom’s poppy seed dressing while he’d helped Iris with the potatoes.
Tag had purposely arrived early with Ally, so Mom and Dad could get to know her a little before the rest of the James pack descended. Although he hadn’t quite anticipated this level of…acceptance. Now, kicked back on the love seat with Fanny the cat curled contentedly on her lap, Ally looked like part of the family. Gareth sprawled beside her, his dad sat in the adjacent recliner, and the three of them were talking basketball and fishing while his mom beamed in Ally’s general direction.
Tag headed to the kitchen to refill his coffee mug and wasn’t surprised when his mom, Margaret, followed.
“Tag, honey, I love Ally. She is just…enchanting. A keeper. You are keeping her, right? Please, tell me you’re keeping her.”
Pouring coffee into his mug, he said, “Well, Mom, I don’t know. She’s not a rescue cat.”
His mom huffed and threw him an exasperated look. “Don’t be a brat, Taggart.”
He chuckled. “It’s kind of just a casual thing.” Maybe if he kept saying the words, they would get easier to accept.
“Ha. Liar,” Iris scoffed, breezing into the kitchen and halting before the coffeepot. She nudged him out of the way with her elbow.
“Ouch, Iris. And don’t call Mom names.”
Margaret snickered.
“That’s cute.” Pulling a mug out of the cupboard, Iris dumped approximately half a carton of cream into it. “Stop deflecting.”
“Why don’t you add a splash of coffee to your cream there.”
Iris pivoted to face them, a smug grin on her face. “See, you’re doing it again. In all your many years of life and massive amount of dating, brother dear, do you realize—not including Ally—that you’ve only brought three women home to meet your family? Hannah and I were Skyping with Hazel in Mongolia last night, and we tallied it up. I mean, sure, some of us have met a few others here and there, but you’ve only made an effort to introduce us to three women.” Ticking them off her fingers, she went on, “Holly, Amanda and the witch attorney. And I’m not sure Holly even counts because she was your high school girlfriend, so everyone already knew her. And, by the way, the witch was only here one time.” She held the remaining finger aloft as if it were proof of something profound. “And no one liked her. Not even Mom. And she likes everyone.”
“Shay got along with her.”
“Why are you defending her?”
“I’m not.”
“Besides.” Iris flipped her hand dismissively through the air. “Shay just pretends to like her because of Jonah and their attorney club or whatever.”
Their mom looked thoughtful. “Your sister is right.”
“About what?” Tag heard his voice rise a couple of defensive octaves.
“You’re a smart man…” Iris let her head fall to one side and added “…most of the time.” With a grin, she lifted her cup for a sip. “I’m sure you can figure it out.”
“Hey, everyone!” Shay chirped as she and Jonah came through the back door. Her hands were gripping a huge plastic container, but it was the aurora borealis–like smile on her face that caught him off guard.
“What happened to you?” he asked.
“Shay, honey, you look lovely,” Margaret said at the same time.
Popping a hand over her mouth, Shay made a noise that sounded a lot like a giggle. She removed her hand, but the smile remained, so bright Tag wanted to flinch. And hug her. When was the last time he’d seen her looking this happy?
“Thanks, Mom. I feel lovely.” Shay headed to the fridge and opened it to stow her container.
A side glance at Iris and her wide-eyed, brow-raised expression told him she was thinking along the same shocked lines. “Did she just giggle?” Iris whispered.
“She feels lovely?” Tag answered with a disbelieving shrug.
Shay spun around to face them again and asked, “Is Ally here?”