Page 89 of Bachelor Remedy
“What is it?” Shay scuttled backward a few steps. “Does he have a fever?”
Pointing a finger at Shay, he said, “Ha. You look like a scared crab.”
“Is he delirious?” Hannah asked Iris.
“No, well, maybe. Apparently, he hasn’t slept much in the last few nights.”
Shay blew out a breath of relief and moved forward again. “Oh, that’s good. Sign of a guilty conscience.”
He scowled. “Why would I have a guilty conscience?”
“Um, Ally, Kendall? Does stringing those two names together ring a bell?”
“Hey!” he cried, bunching his fist into his shirt over his heart. “Ally is the one who broke my heart. Broken, ha. No, I’m pretty sure my heart is dying, a slow and excruciatingly painful death if you must know. I hurt…all over.”
“Tag,” Iris demanded, “what are you talking about? You slayed her and left her writhing in the middle of the park thanks to that display on Friday with Kendall. Flynn told me that you then flew Ally to Killebrew, where you guys spent the weekend barely speaking. You never even explained yourself to her!”
“I tried. She didn’t want to hear it. It doesn’t matter now, anyway.”
“Of course it matters! You need to explain, apologize, whatever. You need to make this right.”
Throwing up his hands, he cried, “It doesn’t matter because it’s over! And besides, Ally isn’t jealous of Kendall.”
“Have you turned stupid…er? Ally is crazy about you.”
“Trust me, if I had an inkling that she loved me even a fraction as much as I love her, I would try, Iris. I would.”
“You’re in love?” Hannah asked, her voice a mix of joy and wonder.
“This is great news!” Shay cried.
Iris scowled at him, and Tag could see the wheels spinning in her mind. But she didn’t look surprised. Undoubtedly she’d known his feelings before he did.
Peering at him closely, she asked, “Did Ally happen to mention to you the conversation she had with Kendall after the rally?”
“Ally didn’t talk to Kendall.”
“Oh, yes, she did. I was there. I heard the whole thing.”
“What—what did she say?”
“Among other brave, bold and beautifully worded comments that put that awful woman in her place, she told Kendall that she promised you that she’d never make you travel to Juneau without her again, that you’d made her promise never to leave your side.”
Hope sprouted inside him. Was this possible? If what Iris was saying was true, it could mean Ally cared more than he thought. It could mean… He needed to talk to Ally. Abe was right. There had to be a way to get over this issue with Shay. He had to find a way to put it aside. He would.
Except, how could they get over it? What happened with Shay was just a symptom of a greater problem. Because there would be more Shays in the future, more cases where they would disagree. And more Gingers, where Ally put concern for herself far below that of the patient. Except eventually she’d go too far.
“There’s more to it than that. The night before the rally we had a fight.”
“About what?” Hannah asked. “Ally doesn’t seem like a fighter.”
“She’s not. It wasn’t really a fight. It was more of an airing of irreconcilable differences. But it was a game changer.” He made eye contact with the eldest of his sisters. “About you, Shay.”
Eyes wide, mouth open, she looked appalled by the notion, and her words confirmed it. “Me? But I love Ally. I know I was mean about her at first, but that was before I knew her. Before she…”
“Yeah, I know. Before. Before she treated you or…whatever you want to call it. I got very angry when I learned that she’s been giving you medical advice. It was one thing to give Hannah tea and herbs and recommend acupuncture or whatever. That stuff felt harmless. But I couldn’t stand the thought of her giving you false hope about having a baby. She crossed a line.”
“Wait a minute.” Iris glared at him. “So, Ally’s beliefs are okay so long as you approve, as long as you believe they’re harmless? The omnipotent medical authority on all conditions, Taggart James, gets to decide how much value there is to Ally’s vast knowledge and experience? Not to mention the brilliant and respected grandfather doctor who taught her?”