Page 33 of Exposed to You
Dallon unfastened his tie from my wrists, pulled a fresh shirt out of his drawer and tossed it to me. “Put this on.”
Even after sleeping with me he was still pissy. I pulled the shirt over my head and when I was momentarily blind, he grabbed my wrists, wrapping the tie around them again. “You’re sleeping here tonight.”
“Like this?” My voice was tiny.
“It will be a good reminder.”
Placing a hand on the small of my back, he guided me into the bathroom. I stood uncertainly on the heated tiles as he picked up my toothbrush, ran it under the tap and loaded it with toothpaste before handing it to me. We stood side by side, brushing our teeth and looking at each other in the mirror.
“I got your message,” I said eventually.
He raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? And what was it?”
“That you aren’t going to tire of me after one night.”
His eyes narrowed. “That was only part of the message, but I’ll accept it for now.”
That night I slept on my side, my arms tucked into my chest, and Dallon slept behind me, his arm around my waist.
It was one of the best sleeps I’d ever had.
Chapter Twenty-one
Dallon awoke me the next morning with breakfast in bed. With deft fingers, he undid the ties from my wrists, his eyes burning into mine. Then he sprawled across the bed lazily, propping himself up on an elbow as he popped a strawberry into his mouth.
“If it were up to me, I’d keep you in my bed all day, but I figure you have something on the agenda.” His fingers gently massaged my wrists.
I smiled sweetly as he let go of my wrists, feeling strangely bereft without the ties or his hands. “I’m going to accept the job offer, then read for a bit, and then go to my 4 p.m. appointment at the gym.”
Dallon’s face was impassive, but his cheek twitched. “The training session with the meathead surfer.”
“You don’t know he’s stupid,” I said, picking up a strawberry, tilting my head back, and slowly pulling the end out through my lips. The slight widening of his eyes didn’t go unnoticed.
“I’ve heard somewhere that most are. Something about getting hit in the head too often with a surfboard.”
“You’d never try surfing?”
“I have, and I’m pretty good at it. That’s not the point. I can train you.”
I rolled my eyes, laughing at the same time. “I told you that it doesn’t mean anything. Besides, you have to work.”
“I told you I don’t like to share. I can be very possessive of what’s mine.”
“You’re possessive before it’s yours too,” I muttered under my breath.
Dallon’s eyes narrowed as he pushed himself into a standing position. “Saturday won’t come soon enough.”
I tried not to look nervous as I picked up another strawberry. What had I agreed to? And why had I agreed to it?
“And just so we’re clear, Saturday starts at midnight, so if you don’t want your friends to witness anything they shouldn’t, I’d make it an early night.”
I stabbed at my eggs as he sauntered out of the room.
It was well past 6 p.m. by the time I got showered and rode the subway home from the gym. Following my session, Todd had recommended me for a complimentary massage, calling me a trooper. It was definitely needed, as I was aching all over. I’d warned him that I’d never lifted weights and I hadn’t been lying. Even lifting my arm to push the elevator button for Dallon’s floor hurt like hell.
“What took you so long?” he asked as I entered the penthouse.
“Sorry, they gave me a complimentary massage and I showered and stuff.”
“What happened to your phone?”
I pulled my uncharged iPhone from my purse and made an apologetic face. “It died.”
Dallon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He was sitting at the breakfast bar, fingering a glass of wine. He looked gorgeous in his V-neck black T-shirt that matched his hair and dark eyebrows and the jeans he’d worn in the studio the first night we met. On the bar in front of him sat some food items on a platter, a few unopened bottles of wine, and four wine glasses. He’d started setting up for an evening with my friends, I realized, and hung up my jacket before making my way over and wrapping my arms around him.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered into his chest.
His posture softened a little. “For what?”
“For not responding to your messages. I know you worry.”
He sighed.
“Are you mad?”
“Not anymore. I’m glad you’re home.” He pulled back and took my face in his hands, pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. “But please answer my messages from now on. It doesn’t suffice to say I worry. For many reasons.”
I nodded and closed my eyes, breathing in his scent before releasing him.
“How was the gym?”
“Well I won’t be signing up for another session with Todd, you’ll be glad to know.” I walked into the kitchen, put my phone in the charger on the counter. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been this sore.”
The corner of Dallon’s mouth turned up. “That sounds like a challenge.”
I stuck my tongue out at him and opened the fridge, pulled out the ground beef I’d moved out of the freezer the night before.
Dallon grinned. “What are you making us?”
“Spaghetti. Seeing as I survive on salads and whatever is lying around, I’m not much of a cook.”
“I like spaghetti. I saw you stocked my fridge today.”
“I wanted to make you something for once.” My tone was a little cooler after he’d called it his fridge.
“I appreciate it. Thank you.” He hesitated a moment before adding, “And I meant our fridge—I apologize.”
I smiled in thank you and went about preparing the meal, aware of Dallon’s eyes on me.
“You look good in our kitchen.”
I rolled my eyes but smiled. “Are you buttering me up so I cook more for you?”
“Maybe.” His grin was infectious.
“I’ve always thought it would be fun to take a cooking class,” I said as I emptied the beef into the frying pan. “Or forcing myself learn a new meal every week.”
I didn’t need to mention that it had been impossible at my old place. The thought reminded me that sooner than later I was going to have to have the conversation with Dallon about rent. I had a feeling that he was still going to be difficult about me paying rent, job or not. I hadn’t yet decided if his need to pay for everything was due to his need to feel in control or to show that he cared about me.
We ate my spaghetti at the breakfast bar, my legs in Dallon’s lap, his hand absently rubbing my bare legs up and down.
“We should have had them over for dinner,” he said before taking a sip of his wine.
“I didn’t know how late you would have to work.” I was secretly pleased that he was interested in meeting my friends. He seemed like such an island sometimes.
At nine o-clock sharp, Sam and Luke buzzed and Dallon granted them access to the top floor of the building.
Luke was the first to enter, pulling me into his usual bear hug. “Thanks for having us over.”
Dallon put out his hand, frowning. “Dallon King.”
Luke shoo
k it, smiling warmly. “Hey, I’m Luke. Amy’s told us a lot about you.”
Dallon’s lip twitched as he asked, “Are you a lawyer by any chance?” He looked past Luke at me, and I knew he was remembering my threat to get my lawyer friend Luke on him. I glanced down, embarrassed.
“We both are,” Sam said, her hand snaking into the back pocket of Luke’s jeans, pulling him closer to her. She held her other hand out to Dallon. “Sam.”
“Would anyone like a glass of wine?” I asked, hurrying to the kitchen to open the bottles.
In a second, Dallon was beside me, taking the bottle of red wine from me chivalrously and whispering, “You seem nervous.”
“I am nervous.”
He smiled and turned back to our guests. “Would you prefer red or white?”
“Red is perfect, thank you,” Luke said.
Sam didn’t miss a beat. When we all had a glass of wine in our hands, she glanced around briefly before saying, “This place is amazing. Can you give us the tour?”
Dallon led the way upstairs. The first room was mine, and there was no hiding that fact: there were signs of me everywhere.
“This is Amy’s room,” he said curtly before moving down the hall toward the studio.
“Just a sec.” Sam reached out and grabbed my arm, pulled me into my room. “What the hell, you have your own room? Does he not let you sleep with him?”
“No, it was my decision. He offered me a room of my own and I took him up on his offer.”
She looked at me like I had two heads. “Why?”
“Because sometimes I just need my own space.” I sighed. “Everything else is his, and I don’t entirely feel comfortable with that yet. Besides, I end up sleeping in his room anyway.”
Now Sam sighed. “As long as he isn’t making you sleep here…”
I shook my head and smiled reassuringly before taking her hand and leading her into the hallway again, whispering, “I’m going to suggest paying him rent, but I don’t think it will go well.”
Dallon and Luke were waiting at the end of the hall. Dallon stood with hands shoved into his pockets and a frown on lips, his eyes on me as we approached. Luke stopped talking as we neared, but I could tell he’d only been doing it to fill the awkward silence.