Page 66 of Matched to Her Rival
“I’m afraid so,” she said solemnly. “Nothing but the truth from here on out. I thought love conquered all. But without trust, someone can be perfect for you and still screw it up.”
She was talking to him. About him. She knew he’d let his own issues cloud their relationship, just as she had. He’d let his fears about turning out like his parents taint his life, never giving anyone a chance to betray his trust.
He’d let anger blind him to the truth.
This had never been about winning the wager, for either of them.
“How do you know if you can trust someone forever? That’s a long time.”
“Fear of the unknown is a particular expertise of mine,” she allowed with a small smile. “I like to know what’s going to happen, that I can depend on someone. Especially when he promises something so big as to love me for the rest of my life. That’s scary. What if he changes his mind? What if—”
“I’m not going to change my mind.”
The instant it was out of his mouth, he realized what she’d gotten him to concede. And the significance of it.
“And by the way, same goes,” he said. “How do I know you’re not going to change yours?”
How had he not seen they were alike even in this? Neither of them trusted easily, yet he’d crucified her over her inability, while tucking his own lack of trust away like a favored treasure. She hadn’t been trying to bring him to his knees. Just trying to navigate something unexpected and making mistakes in the process.
“Let’s take it day by day. As long as you’re in this relationship fully today, that’s the only guarantee I need. I love you.” She nodded to the stadium. “I’m not afraid to stand up in front of all these people and tell you how I feel. Are you?”
It was a challenge. A public challenge. If he said he loved her, it would be the equivalent of admitting she’d won. Of admitting she’d done everything she said she would in the interview.
“What are you trying to accomplish here?” he asked.
“I believe this is more commonly known as me calling you on your crap.”
Against his will, the corners of his lips turned up. “Is that so?”
Only Elise knew exactly how to do that. Because she got him in a way no one else ever could.
She nodded. “But I had to wade through my own first. When my algorithm matched me with you, it wasn’t wrong. But I was. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was your match. I wasn’t ready to trust you. I am now.”
And she’d proved it by declaring her flaws to the world on the big screen, publicly. The one place she said she’d go only for her business. But she’d done it for him because he was her motivator. Because she loved him.
Somehow, that made it easier to confess his own sins.
“I...messed up, too. I wasn’t about to stick around and find out I couldn’t trust you to stay, so I didn’t. I’m sorry I didn’t give you that chance.”
The exact accusation he’d flung at her. His relationship philosophy might as well be Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You. That ended today. If he loved Elise and knew beyond a doubt he wasn’t going to change his mind, he wasn’t broken. Just incomplete.
His soul needed a mate to be whole.
Her smile belied the sudden tears falling onto her cheeks. “You didn’t meet your soul mate because your soul mate wasn’t ready to meet you. But I am ready now.” She held out her hand as if they’d just been introduced for the first time. “My name is Shannon Elise Arundel, but you can call me Elise.”
He didn’t hesitate but immediately grasped her fingers and yanked her into a kiss. As his mouth met hers and fused, his heart opened up and out spilled the purest form of happiness.
He’d found his soul mate, and it turned out he didn’t want a woman who didn’t care what was behind his curtain. He wanted this woman, who’d invited herself backstage and taken up residence in the exact spot where she belonged.
She’d been one step ahead of him the entire time. She was the only woman alive who could outthink, outsmart and out-love him.
Lifting his head slightly, he murmured against her lips, “I love you too. And for the record, I’d rather call you mine.”
An “aww” went up from the spectators and without taking his attention off the woman in his arms, Dax reached out to cover the lens with his palm. Some things weren’t meant to be televised.