Page 29 of Promise Me Love
‘Beth? How are you feeling? It’s Maggie.’
‘Much better, thanks. And you?’
‘Oh, not too bad considering the fact that Elizabeth had me awake most… Oh, Beth, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say that of all things.’
‘Don’t be silly, Maggie. It’s something I have to come to terms with. I can’t expect other people not to talk about their children just because I’ve lost the baby.’ The sorrow ran deep in her voice and she heard Maggie sigh softly.
‘It must be hard, Beth. I can only try to imagine what you’re going through. I wish I could help, do something to ease the pain for both you and David.’
‘You can help by acting as naturally as possible. I don’t want you to think you mustn’t mention Elizabeth. It hurts, of course, but I have to face it.’
‘You are brave, Beth. I’m sure I would never be able to cope the way you have. David was saying the other day how marvellous you’ve been.’
‘Oh, you’ve seen him, then?’ There was no reason why a frisson of unease should run along her veins, but it did. Beth clutched the receiver tighter, feeling tension curling inside her as she waited to hear what Maggie would say.
‘Just fleetingly. I ran into him when I was out shopping the other day, much the same way as we did when we had coffee. Didn’t he mention that he had seen me?’
‘No. He must have forgotten, I expect.’
‘Probably. He was in rather a hurry at the time and only stopped for a moment to tell me what had happened.’
‘I see.’
‘I wish I’d known sooner, Beth. I could have come to see you in the hospital, although you probably didn’t feel much like having visitors, apart from David. At least you have each other to fall back on, and I know for a fact that David is a person you can depend on completely in a time of stress.’
She sounded so certain that somehow it surprised Beth. Maggie and David treated each other with a cool civility when they met, yet there had been something in her voice just then which told Beth that she knew David far better than that implied. Had they been close friends once but had to break off that friendship because of the feud? It would explain the rather stilted way they treated one another. Naturally Maggie would always feel that her loyalties must lie first and foremost with her husband.
The tension eased from her, making her respond more naturally to the statement. ‘He certainly is. From the word go I’ve found myself relying on him, probably more than I should in the circumstances.’
‘What circumstances?’ Maggie laughed. ‘That sounds very mysterious, Beth.’
‘Does it?’ Beth forced a laugh, inwardly cursing herself for the unconscious slip. ‘I didn’t mean it to.’ Hurriedly she changed the subject. ‘You must come round some time, Maggie. I’ll make us both some lunch and then we can have a proper chat.’
‘I’d love that. Actually, in a way that was one of the reasons why I was phoning you today. Look, Beth, tell me no if you don’t want to go through with it, because I’ll understand.’
‘Go through with what? Now who’s being mysterious?’
‘Standing as Elizabeth’s godmother. The christening is only a week away now and unfortunately I can’t put it back because there are people coming from all over the place. It’s too late now to make fresh plans. I still want you to stand for her, but I shall understand if you feel you can’t do it.’
Beth took a slow painful breath, her face clouding over. It would be painful, poignantly so in view of her recent loss. Could she handle it?
‘I’ve spoken to Matthew about it, Beth, and he’s just as keen as I am that you go through with it as long as you feel up to it.’
‘Is he? Then he must have a markedly different view from David’s.’ Her voice was sharper than she’d intended and Maggie was silent for a moment before she said quietly,
‘Was David very annoyed that day when we met in town? It never occurred to me that he might be until later when I got to thinking about what had gone on. I did wonder if I’d put my foot in it.’
What could she say? Since she’d come back from hospital David had made no further mention of what had caused that bitter row between them. Beth had the feeling that he was determined to bury it once and for all, so would it be wise to rake it all up again? ‘Of course you didn’t. Don’t be silly. I’d love to say yes, Maggie, but…’ She tailed off, torn between loyalty to David and a desire not to go back on a promise.