Page 4 of Promise Me Love
‘I know you won’t believe me, Beth, but in a year or so’s time you will look back on this and probably laugh about it, most likely won’t be able to remember what he looks like.’
He meant what he said to offer comfort, but it didn’t do that. It only intensified the futility of it all. How could she ever forget Andrew now? How?
‘No.’ Her voice was so low that he had to lean sideways to hear it. ‘I won’t forget. I can’t!’
‘You will, Beth. It will take time and it will be painful, but in the end you will put this behind you and—’
‘I’m pregnant.’ She stared back at him, her face white, her eyes dark with despair. ‘I won’t be able to forget Andrew because I’m carrying his child. Now do you understand?’
Shock and a fleeting, bitter pain flashed unexpectedly in his eyes before abruptly he turned away, his hands tightening on the steering-wheel as he muttered, ‘Dear God…not again!’
It seemed a strange thing for him to say, but Beth didn’t dwell on it as the full impact of what had happened hit her afresh. A shudder ran through her and she clenched her hands as she strove to hold on to her control. She was alone and pregnant and somehow she had to find a way to cope with it. Somehow she had to find the strength to rebuild her shattered life not only for herself but for the coming child.
* * *
The coffee was cold. Beth set the cup down carefully on the table and stared blankly round the room. It had been a mistake coming here. She should have insisted that he let her out of the car before, but instead she had let him bring her back to his flat and make her coffee that she didn’t want.
‘Sorry about that. Business. It’s impossible to escape even at home some days.’
He came back from answering the phone and Beth glanced round, searching his face for any signs of the regret he must surely feel at being landed with her like this. However there was nothing but a faint concern in those cool grey eyes as he noticed the untouched cup of coffee.
‘Let me make you some fresh. That’s gone cold.’ He reached for the cup, but Beth snatched it back, flushing as her fingers brushed against his in her haste. She shook her head, feeling the pale red-gold hair spilling from its knot on top of her head to fall around her face. She must look a sight with her tear-streaked face and tangled hair and she wished harder than ever that she’d insisted he let her out of the car when she’d had the chance. She didn’t want his kindness or his pity. Neither would help! ‘I don’t want any more, thank you. I’ve already disrupted your day quite enough. I expect this is the last time you’ll play the Good Samaritan. You certainly got more than you bargained for today, didn’t you?’
She forced a shaky smile, seeing the way his eyes narrowed thoughtfully on her before he gave a thin smile of his own as he sat down opposite her at the table. ‘I must admit none of this was on the agenda.’ He held up one large, beautifully shaped hand and ticked an imaginary list off his fingers. ‘Breakfast meeting with clients, a spot of paperwork, stock-check at the factory, then an early lunch followed by much the same as the morning’s schedule. You’re quite right, nowhere on the list do I recall anything about helping a lady in distress!’
He was quietly teasing her to make her feel more at ease, but it only made her feel worse when she realised how she must have messed up his busy day. ‘I’m sorry,’ she repeated.
‘What for?’ He reached for the pot and poured himself some coffee, grimacing as he took a sip of the cold liquid. ‘That’s revolting. Are you sure I can’t make you some fresh?’
‘No, really. I don’t want anything. And I meant that I was sorry for ruining your day when it’s obvious that you are a very busy man.’
He shrugged as he pushed the cup aside. ‘Not so busy that I can’t spare time to help someone who obviously needed it.’
‘Why did you help me?’ She twisted the cup round on its saucer, then stopped when coffee spilled over the side. ‘Most people would have run a mile from the confrontation I was having, so what made you decide to help?’