Page 33 of Thoroughly Whipped
Harry didn’t take his eyes off the road, didn’t even show the slightest reaction to my outburst. “Fortunately, I used the bathroom before I left the office.”
“No, I didn’t mean I thought you would piss on me. In fact, out of everyone I know, you would be the last person I’d expect to do that.” We stopped in a line of traffic and I rued the day that I found out what uro-fucking-philia was.
Harry rubbed his forehead, clearly affected by the direction of this evening too. “Miss Parisi, can we please stop talking about urine. I feel it is never an appropriate topic for civilized conversation.”
I quickly scanned the list, wondering what else he may have seen. I groaned at the fifth from the top. “Fisting. Did you see the line about fisting, rough or otherwise? It’s a list of what I wouldn’t do. Not a bucket list.”
Harry blew out a long breath. “Miss Parisi. Please. Stop.”
“I saw you read it. And just wanted you to know that I don’t want to be spit-roasted.”
“Spit-roasted?” he asked in clear exasperation.
“Double penetrated. One in the front, one in the ass. Double stuffed, you know?”
“Not intimately.”
I realized my index fingers were pointed toward each other, acting out exactly what double penetration was.
Lowering my hands to my lap, I closed my eyes and tried to think of a lie that would make sense to explain my having such a list. Sally had told me none of the top bosses could know about NOX. Harry was the CEO. I didn’t want him to pull my feature, when I’d barely started, to avoid upsetting his high-flying, powerful friends who lived under the many unusual masks I’d seen.
My eyes opened. “It’s for my column,” I said. “I’ve been compiling a list of preferences that are a little out there. You know, things I may discuss on the column at some point, that people might find interesting.”
Harry sighed. “You certainly live an interesting life, Miss Parisi. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone quite like you.”
I stared straight ahead, unsure if I’d just been slighted in a polite, gentle way. “You called me Faith,” I blurted. I had no idea why that was the prominent thought in my head right now. Harry had never called me by my name before. And he had lifted me off the ground. Carried me in his arms and against his chest to his car. A car that had seat warmers.
His jaw clenched. “Slip of the tongue. It was unprofessional of me.”
“As unprofessional as seeing ‘large anal plugs’ on an employee’s private list?”
With that the car came to an abrupt stop. “Is this your building?” Harry asked. The rain had lightened from torrential to a hazy mist.
“Yes. This is my place.”
Harry reached for my jacket and purse. Just as he did, my cell chimed. I immediately checked my purse and read the text.
A car will pick you up. Don’t be late.
It was from a number I knew belonged to NOX. Harry’s car’s incredibly complex dashboard clock told me I had to move my ass. “Shit,” I said and dove from the car. Harry walked around the hood and handed me my now heel-less shoe. “Thank you. And thank you for the ride home.”
“Let me see you to your door.”
“No! That’s okay,” I said, waving my hand in an awkward kind of goodbye as I reached the handrail of the stoop.
“Faith?” I turned around and saw Sage coming up the street.
“Sage!” I said in relief.
Sage walked past Harry, eyes widening when he met my gaze. Harry Sinclair? he mouthed and I smiled tightly at Harry over Sage’s shoulder. Harry’s face was as hard as stone as he watched us. “Faith, you have no shoes on.”
“Carry me,” I whispered. Sage frowned in confusion but did as I asked. He swept me up into his arms, heading for the door.
Harry was a statue on the sidewalk, muscled arms folded over his chest. “Good day, Miss Parisi,” he said neutrally and got back into his car.
“He thinks I’m a fucking moron,” I said to Sage when we were safely inside our foyer and Harry was gone.
“What do you care? You hate the guy, right?”
“Right,” I said. “Of course.” I pointed to the elevator. “Quick smart, my good man. Maître is waiting, and his private car is picking me up any minute.”
The elevator closed and took us to our floor. “Why was your boss here anyway?” Sage asked. “That was him, right? I recognized him from all the pictures online.”
“Yes, but it’s a long story, and right now I have to prepare to potentially get my ass spanked by a sexy Frenchman.”
“Just another ordinary day then,” Sage said, shaking his head in amusement.
“Just another ordinary day.”
Faith, I heard Harry’s voice circle in my head as I undressed. Not Miss Parisi, but Faith. As I plunged myself under the hot shower stream, the sound of his voice only got louder.