Page 17 of Nate
Logan frowned, but Mason handed off a phone. Logan let him take the bags and then turned back, pressing the phone to his ear. “Yeah?”
Mason was now watching me before his gaze fell to Nova. Some of the frostiness from his brother wasn’t with him, and I relaxed, just a little bit. I almost felt grateful, but I noted that it was the opposite of what Carl’s files said about them. Logan was supposed to be the more beta-type with a big personality. Mason was noted to be the alpha leader of the group and not known to be people-friendly. They both were supposed to have anti-authority tendencies.
I was getting the opposite reactions from them.
And I didn’t know whether to be grateful or scared out of my mind at that revelation.
He nodded to the bedroom. “He’s coming out. Logan and I will give you some privacy.”
My throat just doubled in size, with a full boulder choking me. I could only jerk a nod in response.
His eyes returned to Nova, and he softened. “Test or not, she looks like him.”
I looked down. “Interesting. I only see Valerie.”
Nova had a good mop of curly red hair already, bordering on strawberry blond. Then she opened her eyes, a yawn leaving her, and she started stretching her arms up. Her eyes were definitely Nate’s, though, bright and green. Valerie had dark eyes.
Mason called out, “We’re heading out, Nate.”
“Okay,” came from inside.
He slipped out the door, shutting it gently behind me.
I took a moment, my nerves on full blast, and I waited.
Nate didn’t show.
Still carrying Nova, I moved forward, going to the opened doorway.
My heart was beating so fast, so loud, that it was almost all I could hear.
He was on the edge of the bed with his head hanging down. His hands were clasped together, his elbows resting on his knees.
A wave of understanding hit me. Right behind it was an intense sensation of pity? Did I feel sad for him?
I frowned, but he lifted his head.
His eyes were blinking back unshed tears, and he blinked them rapidly as he rose. His gaze latched onto Nova.
When I looked down, her eyes were locked right back on him. She could see him approach.
She was taking him in, drinking in the sight.
He was doing the same.
It was just the two of them in the room now. I didn’t exist.
Love was a somewhat unfamiliar emotion in my family with how I grew up, but right now, I was watching a father fall in love with his daughter right before my eyes.
And it was rather glorious.
He was melting in front of me. His entire face softened, and his shoulders fell in a swoop.
The air in the room lessened, a charged feel to it, like something amazing and life-changing was in the process of happening.
It was a beautiful sight to witness.
“She’s just waking up.”
“Does she—I mean, Mason’s little girl doesn’t like waking up.” He glanced at me, a question in his eyes.
I shook my head. “Not Nova. She’ll wail at first, but she’s already past that. She’s fixated on you.”
“Can I?”
I nodded. Of course.
That was all I was thinking.
Of course, you can hold your daughter.
Of course, you’ll love her.
Of course, this would only cement how much you need her.
He slid his arms around her, taking her from me, and he slowly sat on the floor with her. She was eighteen months, so she’d want to stand on her own. She’d want to be moving around, but she didn’t.
She stood on his lap, her hand clutching her stuffed penguin, and she didn’t do anything except stare at him.
This was the right thing to do.
I knew it, felt it in my bones.
If Valerie had been there, she’d be crying, too.
“I’ll give you some privacy.” My voice came out in a whisper.
He barely acknowledged me as I backed out, going to the next room. I sat on the couch at first, listening to them starting to talk.
“Hi.” From Nate.
I smiled.
“I’m your dad.”
“Ayyyyaaaa yayaya ogd. Penna. See.”
“That’s your penguin?”
“Ayyyayaalllmmaa ooooo penna. See. See. See.”
A soft laugh from Nate. “I see. I like penguins. Do you know what sound they make?”
Nova just giggled.
When I heard her excitement and her joy, I made a decision that I hadn’t known I’d been debating until this second.
I pulled my phone out.
Me: We’re not fighting Nate.
He responded right away, but I knew he would. He would’ve been waiting for a report, and this wasn’t the type of report he wanted.
Duke: You’re emotional. Rein it in and don’t promise anything.
“She’s perfect, Aspen. Just perfect.” I was near tears, my voice barely coming out, but I’d never been happier. I had sunk into my hotel room’s bedroom chair as soon as I got back to the room.
I hadn’t fought the tears earlier in the room. Nova kept wiping them from my face.