Page 31 of Nate
The one was squinting his eyes at Logan. “Where are you a lawyer from?”
Gravers’ radio went off as Logan clipped out, “Boston.”
Gravers stepped back, listening, and returned a moment later. He nodded to Aspen. “That Blaise DeVroe’s wife?”
“That’s my sister, and yes. She’s married to Blaise DeVroe.”
He reassessed me. “So you’re Nate Monson?”
I nodded.
Logan gave the other two squad cars an assessing look, smirking at the same time as he sighed. “We shouldn’t have to give you our famous connections or give you a ballpark guess at how much money Nate, Aspen, or myself have for you to return to your vehicles and continue with your evening’s normal activities. Mr. Royas sent you on a wasted trip.”
They shared a look, but Gravers held his hands out. “We need Miss Royas to come out and tell us she’s not here under duress. We can’t leave without that.”
Logan was going to fight it, but Quincey called from behind us, “I’m here.”
She stepped out, her face pale, but her chin up and firm. She stopped beside Aspen. “I’m here under my own volition. I’m no longer living with my father, and he has no legal standing over Nova. He would know this if he had taken the time to call his own lawyer before calling Bud.”
The two cops grimaced at that name.
I was assuming Bud was their boss, the Mr. Casino VIP.
Quincey’s eyes chilled. “Leave. Now.” She went inside without a second glance.
Logan was handing over two business cards as I took over. “My sister has a video of this whole thing if you’d like to give that to your boss? If not, get the fuck off my property.”
They bristled but didn’t dispute me. The three cars left not long after.
Logan murmured, “That was a bit too easy.”
“I know. Aspen gave you Quincey’s phone?”
“She did.”
I held out my hand. “I want it.”
He hesitated. “You sure? If he calls, I should talk to him.”
I shook my head. “He’s not going to call.” I nodded in the direction of the cops. “That was his move tonight. That was his only move, which means he probably guessed we’d have everything locked up tight, and he probably did call his attorney.”
“You think he sent them anyway?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“To make a point?”
I gave him a look, eyebrows up. “It’s something your father would do.”
Logan whistled. “You’re right. He’d do it to let her know that he can send cops to her new front door.”
“Psychological warfare.”
He grunted. “More like emotional abuse.”
“That, too.”
He was eyeing me, a dark look passing over his gaze. “Maybe I should stay longer than we talked about?”
“No. I need time with Nova and with Quincey to sort everything out.”
“You sure? I can have Taylor come here. She’d have no problem with that. They’re pretty flexible about covering shifts at her job.”
“I know, but I’m good.” He didn’t know that I was giving him and Aspen one week, and then both were being sent back to their respective loved ones. What I said, I meant.
I was going to take this time to bond with my daughter and figure Quincey out. I still hadn’t decided what role she would play in my daughter’s life, despite what I said verbally in our meeting.
We went inside, and I noticed Logan glancing at me. “What?”
He smiled. “You become a different beast when it comes to your daughter. I like it.”
I just shook my head. With Logan, I didn’t know if that was a good thing.
“Go and call your woman. I know you’re missing her.”
He smirked at me but headed upstairs right away.
Aspen was waiting inside, watching out the window. She sighed, turning back to me. “Are they going to be a problem for you?”
I went over to her. “No.” I pulled my sister to me, hugging her. “Thank you for being here.”
She hugged me back. “Anything. I love you, big brother.”
I caught the back of her head, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I love you, too.”
The first night’s battle was done. And we were victorious. I knew another one was coming, but first, I went in search of my daughter. I was needing some Nova hugs the most.
We were here.
We were doing this.
Why was I asking myself?
It was done.
Here. Both of us.
And I couldn’t sleep. Like zero, zilch, nada. Not a wink of it.
One in the morning, and I went to the bathroom. I peeked on Nova, and she was good. Curled on her side, sucking her thumb still. So freaking cute. Her penguin clutched under her arm, her little ass in the air. I almost chuckled but clamped it down.
I didn’t want to wake her.
Two in the morning, and I was getting water from the kitchen. Then I peeked on Nova again.
I needed to stop. I was going to be the reason she woke up, but the little bug was sleeping soundly.