Page 21 of Delta Force Die Hard
“It was a hit-and-run. He rammed the tables, backed up and took off.” Hailey licked her lips and flicked a gaze at Joe. “It might have been deliberate. I was here to meet with a couple of FBI agents about...another matter.”
The officer raised his brows as the agents crowded Joe and Hailey.
“Ms. Duvall, we’d like to talk to the officer privately for a few moments. We’d still like to hear what you have to say. Can you meet us inside? All this—” the agent swept his arm across the scene “—hasn’t scared you off, has it?”
“Absolutely not.” She charged past the agents and into the coffeehouse.
Joe followed, hot on her heels, and leaned over her shoulder at the counter as she ordered another cappuccino. “Add a black coffee to go to that order and I’ll pay for both.”
Hailey cranked her head around. “Are you okay after that stunt you pulled?”
“Stunt? I was trying to stop the car. I figured I could drag the guy out and get some answers from him.”
“Looked like he was ready to drag you down the street under his wheels. We’ll leave it up to the police to get answers.”
“Do you really think that car is going to come back to the person who tried to interrupt your meeting with the FBI?”
Her cheeks flushed, and she flicked her bangs from her eyes. “So you believe me?”
“Oh, yeah. That was a warning. Would he have done that with the FBI agents sitting next to you? I’m not sure about that, but he saw an opportunity and took it.”
“Someone must be following me.” Her gaze tracked over his shoulder and scanned the street behind him. “Do they really think that’s going to scare me off?”
“I’m sure it would do the trick for anyone else.” Hearing the agents’ voices, Joe put his finger to his lips as he reached past her and grabbed his coffee. “Remember, keep my name out of this.”
She shot a glance at the two Fibbies coming through the door. “Got it.”
Raising the cup to his lips, he whispered through the steam, “Meet me at the tailor’s shop when you’re done.”
She nodded and then lifted her chin toward the two agents. “Table by the window?”
Joe slipped out of the coffeehouse and sipped from his cup as he leaned against the pole listing the schedule at the bus stop.
Hailey would have quite a story to tell those agents, but would they believe her with no proof? And could they protect her, or would that be up to him?
* * *
AN HOUR LATER Hailey yanked open the door of the tailor her father had used for almost thirty years and tripped to a stop. A dapper man in a black tux tugged on the cuffs of his shirt and did a half turn in front of the mirror.
“Are you sure this slim fit is the thing?”
“It’s made for a build like yours, sir.”
Hailey dabbed the corner of her mouth to make sure no drool had escaped and then strode across the floor of the small shop.
“Working your magic, Tony?”
“He’s got the physique this particular designer had in mind when he created this tux.”
Joe shrugged out of the jacket. “Tony doesn’t have anything cheap in here, but you probably know that.”
“Don’t worry about it. I told you this is your payment. After you sit through that boring evening, you’re going to understand that I’m coming out ahead in this deal.”
“How’d the meeting go?”
“I’ll tell you over lunch.” She ran a hand across a rack of jackets, the silky material sliding through her fingers. “Are you almost done with him, Tony?”
“I will return him to you as soon as he picks out a vest, and then he’s all yours.”
Hailey’s mouth watered at the prospect of Joe McVie being all hers.
Joe unbuttoned his pants, and her mouth watered even more.
“I’m done. Maybe Hailey will do the honors and pick out something for me while I get dressed. I trust her taste a lot more than mine.” He retreated behind the dressing room curtain.
“He’s lying, you know.” Tony winked as he gathered his tape measure and pins.
“About?” Wouldn’t be the first time or the last a man lied to her.