Page 29 of Delta Force Die Hard
Hailey pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead. “I don’t know if Marten is dead or alive. I don’t know what happened on that ferry, but there are too many strange coincidences going on, and now your place has been burglarized minutes before I get here, ready to collect Marten’s things.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve been gone since this morning. The break-in could’ve happened hours ago.”
“Okay, whatever.” Hailey rolled her eyes at Joe.
Joe took a deep breath. “We don’t know what happened to Marten, but what we do know is that someone broke into your place and you don’t even know if Marten’s things were stolen. Have you looked? Was his stuff in this room?”
“Things?” Joost blinked his eyes. “Did I say ‘things’? It’s just one thing Marten left for you in case he didn’t return, and that couldn’t have been stolen.”
“And why is that?” Joe gritted his teeth, feeling the last bit of his patience slip away.
Joost patted his chest. “Because I have it right here with me.”
* * *
HAILEY SLID OFF the arm of the sofa and collapsed against the cushion, the comic books crinkling beneath her. “Why didn’t you say that to begin with?”
“I didn’t realize you were concerned about what Marten left for you.”
“That’s why we’re here.” Spreading her arms wide, Hailey kicked up her feet on the messy coffee table.
Joe held out his hand. “So, what did he leave her? A note?”
“No.” Joost reached into his front pocket and withdrew something pinched between his fingers. He held it up, and it caught the light from the window and winked. “A key.”
“A key?” Hailey swung her legs from the table and jumped up. “A key to what?”
“I don’t know.” Joost bounced the key in his palm before dumping it into Joe’s outstretched hand.
As Joe studied the key, Hailey sidled next to him, her hair brushing his forearm.
“Why would he leave me a key without an explanation?”
“Maybe he was afraid it would fall into the wrong hands.” Joe plucked up the key chain, a cardboard circle ringed with metal. “There’s some writing on this.”
Hailey squinted at the white circle as Joe held it up. “The letters are rubbed out. Looks like an M, I, S... Trust Marten to leave me a clue that needs another clue to figure it out.”
“Born mysterious.” Joost tapped the side of his nose. “That label had something written on it in pencil. I may have rubbed it off with a sweaty thumb, or maybe Marten did.”
Joe ground his back teeth. “Did mysterious Marten tell you anything about this key, like maybe what it unlocked?”
“Marten told me nothing. He called last-minute, asked if he could crash at my place for a few days, didn’t bring any luggage with him, and I barely saw him. Yesterday morning, he gave me that key and told me to give it to Hailey if he didn’t return. He didn’t return, and I called Hailey at the number he gave me.” Joost held up his hands. “That’s all I know. I’m sure Marten is fine. He has nine lives, like a cat.”
“Cats don’t swim.” Hailey hitched her bag over her shoulder. “You have my number. Let me know if you happen to hear from Marten.”
“At least you have the key.” Joost had turned to face his precious computers, his duty to Marten done.
Joe dangled the key from its key chain. “Yeah, a key to nowhere for Miss Nobody.”
“If I remember anything, I’ll call you.”
Joe snapped his fingers. “Did he tell you he also had a hotel room? Maybe that’s why he didn’t have any luggage with him.”
“Didn’t say anything about a hotel. Maybe he’s holed up there to escape his gambling debts.”
“Thanks, Joost.” Hailey made a face at Joe and pointed to the sliding door with the square hole in the glass that Joost didn’t seem very concerned about.
They stepped outside, and Hailey swung around to face him, her eyes throwing sparks. “Why would Marten leave me a key and not tell me what it’s supposed to unlock?”