Page 76 of Delta Force Die Hard
Joe’s eyes, as blue as the bay behind him, lit up. “That offer just might be better than sex.”
“Watch yourself.” She shook her finger at him. “Of course, if we see any needy people on our way out of the city, we might have to stop and help them or maybe even take them along with us. Would that be a problem?”
He reached out and pulled her into his arms again. As he nuzzled her neck, he murmured, “Do-gooder.”
* * *
Last Stand in Texas
by Robin Perini
The humidity weighing down the late spring breeze buffeted against Burke Thomas like an unwanted lover. At least the burning Texas sun would be at his back on his return to the civilized side of Dallas?Fort Worth.
The curtains from his ex-wife’s dilapidated house shifted and she peeked out. At the sight of her, an exploding ache burst at the base of his skull. If killing Faith were a viable option, his life would markedly improve. He wanted nothing more than to break through the front door and give in to his desire.
Instead, he bit the inside of his cheek to rein in the unfeasible need.
Burke forced himself to take a slow, deep breath before turning on his heel and striding calmly to his Mercedes. He could maintain control. He was in control.
He opened the car door, but the new-car smell didn’t possess the crisp, clean scent he savored. He peered down at the seat. A small streak of mud marred the leather.
His nails bit into his palm, piercing the skin.
Dirt from his daughter’s jeans had soiled his car.
Unacceptable. His child needed etiquette lessons. Now. If it wasn’t too late already.
He removed a plastic bag from the glove compartment and pulled out a clean rag and leather conditioner. Carefully, he swiped the mud away. His movements grew frantic, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. The shine would reappear. It had to.
Zoe. Zoe. Zoe. Zoe.
With each swipe his daughter’s name circled in his mind. He had to get control of her. If he could instill appropriate behavior in her as a seven-year-old, perhaps she wouldn’t take after her mother. He’d come to the obvious conclusion that delayed training had been the problem with his ex-wife. Before he’d fully molded her, she’d ruined everything and forced him to divorce her.
After one last, vicious swipe, he studied the glistening surface. It would do.
He slid into the Mercedes and with a quick turn of his key, the engine roared to life. He glared at the now-closed curtains and screeched away from the house.
No more delays. He tapped his phone.
“Mr. Thomas?” his lawyer answered.
“Deliver the document. Now.”
“It’s Friday night after five. Our couriers have left for the evening. We can accommodate you first thing Monday.”