Page 40 of Deep Fathom
Jack moved to his chair. “This is from the cockpit voice recorder?”
“Yes, the last minutes between the cockpit crew.”
Jack sat down and slowly unfolded the papers. As much as he didn’t want to be drawn further into this operation, his curiosity couldn’t be ignored. He read the report.
BOEING 27-200B
Time: 18:56
CAPTAIN: Honolulu, this is Victor Charlie Alpha. Can you update our weather? We’re hitting some heavy pockets out here.
FIRST OFFICER: Why aren’t they answering?
CAPTAIN: Honolulu, this is Victor Charlie Alpha. Please answer. We’re having trouble with our radar and compasses. Can you…Hang on!
[loud rumble and rattle]
NAVIGATOR: What the hell was that?
CAPTAIN: Another pocket. Try climbing higher.
FIRST OFFICER: Climbing to thirty-five thousand.
NAVIGATOR: I’m still getting conflicting readings here from the INS units. The Omega, the radar, the celestial sextant…it’s making no sense. I’m going on dead reckoning.
CAPTAIN: Everyone keep your heads in the game here.
FIRST OFFICER: She’s heavy, sir. Not able to climb.
NAVIGATOR: This doesn’t make sense. I’m picking up land ahead.
CAPTAIN: Must be Wake Island. I’ll try to pick up something local on the radio.
Wake Island, this is Victor Charlie Alpha, we need assistance.
[silence for thirty seconds]
NAVIGATOR: It’s too big, sir. This can’t be right. I’m going to check the manual sextant.
FIRST OFFICER: What are those lights?
CAPTAIN: Just glare off the windshield. Keep climbing.
NAVIGATOR: Where the hell are we?
[deep rumble]
NAVIGATOR: What is that? What is that?
FIRST OFFICER: Losing altitude. Controls aren’t responding!
NAVIGATOR: We’re over land!
FIRST OFFICER: I can’t see! The light!
[screech of metal, rush of wind]
FIRST OFFICER: Engine number one is on fire!
CAPTAIN: Shut it down! Now!
NAVIGATOR: What the hell is going on!
CAPTAIN: Honolulu, this is Victor—
FIRST OFFICER: Something ahead of us! Something ahead of us!
NAVIGATOR: I’m not reading anything. Nothing on radar…nothing on anything!
CAPTAIN: Honolulu, this is Victor Charlie Alpha. Mayday, mayday!
FIRST OFFICER: The sky! The sky is opening up!
[roaring noise, then silence]
Time: 19:08
Jack lowered the sheets. “My God. What happened up there?”
Houston shifted in his seat and reached for the fax sheets. “A chopper is on its way to collect me. I want to listen to the recording myself. But as to the true answer, there’s only one way to find out…. The answer lies down below.”
Jack reached a trembling hand to his glass of scotch. He swallowed its contents in one gulp. The expensive liquor burned all the way to his belly.
Jack filled his glass one more time. He leaned back into his seat, sipping more gently at the smooth scotch, appreciating it this time. He met the admiral’s gaze. “I’ll go,” he said simply.
Houston nodded and raised his scotch. Jack reached over and tapped his old friend’s glass with his own. “To absent friends,” Jack said.
Pieces of the Puzzle
July 29, 12:07 P.M.
Ryukyu University, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
Karen hurried across the staff parking lot, late for her lunch meeting with Miyuki. Her friend’s office and lab were on the fourth floor of the old Yagasaki Building, once a government office complex. Ryukyu University had originally been founded by the United States Civil Administration in 1950, built upon the site of the ancient Castle of Shuri, but in 1972 the Japanese took over the administration. Since then the university had spread from its original site into the surrounding countryside and local buildings.
Dashing up the steps and through the double doors, Karen crossed to the stationed guard and flashed her identification card.
He nodded from behind his desk and waved her past, checking her name off his list. The president of Ryukyu University was taking no chances. Although the island of Okinawa was climbing out of the devastation, looting remained sporadic. The added security measures were the university’s attempt to protect its assets.
Karen strode to the stairwell, passing a bank of elevators cordoned off with yellow tape declaring them “Out of Service.” She imagined the companies that produced those rolls of ribbon were making a fortune. The same yellow tape was strewn like party streamers throughout the island.
Checking her watch, she picked up her pace on the stairs. Since returning from their harrowing journey to the ruins of Chatan, this was the first chance the two women had to consult one another. Miyuki had called this morning and urged Karen to join her at her lab. She had news about the crystal star but would say no more over the phone.
Karen wondered what her friend had learned. Over the past three days, Karen had been doing her own research—investigating the cryptic language, trying to trace its origin. But progress had been slow. The island was continually plagued by power failures that interfered with communication. For a while, she’d been sure the glyphs were similar to a script found in the Indus Valley ruins of Pakistan, but on closer inspection she realized the similarity was only superficial. This line of study, however, was not a total waste. It did send her down another path, to another similar language, one even more exciting. Still, she needed further study before she was willing to voice her theory aloud.
At the top of the stairs, Karen found Miyuki waiting, dressed in her usual crisp lab coat. “The guard buzzed me that you were on the way up,” her friend said. “C’mon.”
As they walked, Karen asked, “What have you found?”
Miyuki shook her head. “You have to see this for yourself.” She led the way down the hall past other teachers’ offices. “What about the hieroglyphics?”
Karen hesitated. “I may have a lead.”
Miyuki glanced at her with surprise. “Really? I’ve been having Gabriel try to decode it, but he’s had little success.”
“He can do that? Decipher it?”
“One of his base algorithms is a decoding program. Ciphering is a useful model for building an artificial intelligence construct, and if you correlate—”
Karen held up a hand, surrendering. “Okay, I believe you. Has Gabriel learned anything?”