Page 46 of Excavation
Sam glanced back toward the toxic bat cavern. “I… I don’t know. The place will be swarming with tarantulas in a few minutes, but we can’t trudge through waist-deep guano in the next cavern without dying from the fumes. There’s got to be another way.”
Maggie strode off the Incan footpath toward the nearby underground stream. It gurgled in its narrow channel, casting up a fine cool mist. “We swim,” she said matter-of-factly, pointing her light at the rapidly flowing water.
“Swim?” Norman asked, his voice cracking. “Are you mad? That water’s from snowmelt. We’ll die of hypothermia.”
Maggie swung around. “The current is swift but relatively smooth through this section of the caverns. We jump in and let the water shoot us through the bat cave and away from the spiders.” She waved a hand across the river’s fine mist. “This may even insulate us a bit from the worst of the toxic fumes.”
Sam approached her side and glanced at her with appreciative eyes. “Maggie’s right. It might work. But we need to stick together for this one. Once past the bats, we’ll need to haul our asses out of this stream ASAP. If the current doesn’t kill us, the cold may.”
Denal sidled to the edge of the river’s carved stone bank. The waters flowed about a meter below the lip. “I go first,” he said, looking back. “Make sure it be safe.”
“No, Denal,” Maggie said and reached for him.
He stepped beyond her reach. “I be strong swimmer. If I make it to the far side, I yell.” He glanced at the other faces. “Then you all come. If no call, then no come.”
Sam moved toward the boy. “I’ll do it, Denal,” Sam said, patting the side pocket of his vest. “I have my Wood’s lamp to light the way.”
Denal pulled the lamp from his own pocket and flicked on the purplish light. “I no ask. I go.” The boy then turned and jumped over the lip’s edge.
“Denal!” Sam yelled, rushing to the river.
Maggie stopped Sam from leaping in after him. She followed the boy’s path in the current. He bobbed in the water as it thrust him back and forth in the narrow channel, but he managed to keep the lamp thrust above the water, its purplish glow a beacon in the dark cave. Then the river carried him past a curve in the wall and down a tunnel.
“Damn kid picked my pocket,” Sam muttered, a mixture of respect and worry in his voice.
“He’ll make it,” Maggie said.
The waiting quickly grew intolerable. None dared speak lest they miss Denal’s call.
Only Ralph hung back at the foot path, keeping an eye on the spiders. “Here comes the main army,” he warned.
Maggie swung around. It was as if a foaming white surf crested just at the edge of their light’s reach. “C’mon, Denal, don’t let us down.”
As if the boy had heard her, a sharp distant cry echoed from farther in the caves. Denal had made it.
“Thank God,” Sam sighed. “Let’s get out of here.”
Norman quickly finished packing his gear into a waterproof case while Ralph climbed over to join them, eyes still on the tarantulas.
Sam unslung the Winchester and nodded for Ralph to do the same with his rifle. “Try to keep your gun above water. The rifles could probably survive a short dip, but I’d rather keep them dry.”
Ralph finally turned and eyed the water with a sick expression. “To hell with the rifle, I just hope I can keep my own head above water.” He raised his face to the other three. “I can’t swim.”
“What?” Sam exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell us that before?”
Ralph shrugged. “Because Maggie was right. The river’s the only way out of here.”
Norman shoved up next to them. “I’ll stick with Ralph. I did a stint in water rescue in the army.”
Ralph frowned at him, disbelieving. “You were in the army?”
“Three years at FortOrd, until I was discharged during a witch-hunt at my base.” Norman’s face took on a bitter cast. “So much for don’t ask, don’t tell.”
Ralph shook his head. “I’ll take my chances on my own.”
The photographer’s face grew fierce. He snapped at Ralph, “Like hell you will, you brain-addled jock. Quit this macho posturing and accept some help. It’s not like I’m gonna try to cop a feel. You’re not even my type!” Norman shoved his camera case at Ralph, his voice serious. “It’s insulated with foam. It’s meant to float after a raft capsizes. Keep the damn thing clutched to your chest, and I’ll do the rest.”
Ralph took the case reluctantly. “What about this?” He held up Gil’s rifle.
Sam reached for it. “I’ll manage both.”
He reached for the gun, but Maggie snatched it first. “Two guns will weigh you down, Sam. The flashlight is waterproof and doesn’t weigh nary a bit.”
Sam hesitated, then nodded. “At the first sign of trouble, toss the rifle away. We need the light more than we need a second gun.”
She nodded at his advice. “Let’s go. The spiders aren’t gonna like their meal escaping.”
Sam waved for Norman and Ralph to go first, just in case of trouble. Sam and Maggie would follow.
Norman slid down to a small spit of rock just above the waterline, arms cartwheeling for balance. “Now,” he called up to Ralph.
The large football player bit his lower lip, clutched the camera case to his chest, and jumped in before his fear of the water drove him away.
Maggie kept her light focused on them. Norman dived in smoothly, his lithe form coming up beside the floundering black man. “Lie on your back!” Norman yelled as the current dragged the two away. “Hug the case tight to your chest!”
Ralph fumbled around a bit more, coughing water and kicking frantically.
“Don’t fight it!”
Ralph finally obeyed, rolling to his back.
Norman swam at his side, one hand snarled in the neck of Ralph’s shirt, keeping the man’s head above water. As the two drifted away, Norman admonished the big man with one final warning. “Keep tight to that case,” he sputtered. “Lose my cameras, and I’ll let you drown!”
“We’re next,” Sam said, shoving his Stetson into his pack. “You ready?”
Maggie took a deep breath and nodded.
“You gonna be okay?” he said, straightening and meeting her eyes.
Maggie knew he was referring to her panic attacks more than the threat from the water. “It was my idea, wasn’t it? I’ll be fine.”