Page 16 of The Mesmerized
“I’ve read Stephen King. I know how this sort of thing goes,” Arthur said, color draining out of his face. “I don’t want to be locked up like some sort of experiment.”
“Take the little girl,” Dr. McCoy instructed the silent police officer. “We can’t waste any more time.”
“No! You can’t do this!” Minji protested. She backed into the side of the tent and it wobbled overhead.
“I want to know exactly what you plan to do with us!” Arthur ducked to Minji’s side, using her and her daughters as a shield.
The police officer took a firm hold on Ava. “Ma’am, this is to help her,” he said in a pleading voice.
“Let her go!” Minji shouted.
The icy invisible tendrils sluiced through the air, rubbing against her skin for the briefest of moments.
Everyone fell silent and still.
Chapter 8
Kristen balanced on a rock located on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, attempting to hold her phone in just the right position to get a good selfie. She was having a little difficulty getting a clear view of the majestic panorama behind her and her own face as the wind buffeted her hand, making it shake. Her parents’ admonishments from the nearby viewing area only annoyed her more.
“I’m being careful!” she shouted into the wind.
“Don’t get too close to the edge!” her mother responded.
As a gymnast, she had perfect balance and had high hopes to make the national team in the near future. Besides, she wasn’t that close to the edge of the canyon. There were a good three feet between her and the precipice. Though the gusts were strong and blowing her blond ponytail into a wild dance around her head, there wasn’t enough force to knock her off.
“If you fall, can I have your room?”
The fifteen-year-old glowered at her younger brother. “Shut up.”
He laughed, and then made faces in an attempt to distract her.
Pointedly ignoring her family, Kristen concentrated on her image on the screen. If she was going to endure a summer vacation with her family, at least she was going to upload some good photos of herself to the social sites to show her ex-boyfriend and backstabbing former best friend that she was having a great time. The service at the canyon was horrible and she didn’t have any bars, but she’d upload all the photos she’d taken once they reached the hotel.
Somewhere nearby, a car horn honked loudly and voices rang out. Ignoring the ruckus, she tilted her head to one side and was glad to see she’d found a really good shot.
“Kristen! Kristen! We need to go! They’re closing the park!” her father shouted.
It was only mid-day, but Kristen was relieved. She was done viewing the Grand Canyon and was dying to get to Las Vegas. She was determined to flirt with cute boys while sunbathing at the resort pool.
“Just a second, Dad! Just taking one more!”
Forcing a bright smile onto her lips to wipe away any signs of her annoyance, Kristen pressed the button on the screen of her cellphone.
A second later, the phone fell from her grip and smashed against the ground, cracking the screen. Swiveling about, Kristen stared blankly toward the far horizon. Her mind completely subsumed in a cold void, she stepped forward and toppled off the boulder she’d been perched on. Her body struck several trees, ricocheting off the trunks before flying out over the edge of the canyon. She fell in silence, never crying out, never even blinking.
Seconds later her brother, parents, and other park visitors followed her deadly descent to the bottom of the canyon.
Chapter 9
Las Vegas