Page 36 of The Mesmerized
“Yeah, Bobby, the job is good. I like it. I...yeah, I’ll get a new place so you can come visit me. I won’t be living at Uncle Ryan’s anymore. No, son, I can’t go buy the old house. The bank took it and sold it to someone else. When I get a raise, I’ll get a new house. Yeah, there’s some bad stuff going on, but you’re going to be all right. Your mom is going to take care of you. I wish I were there, too.”
Jesse stepped closer to Arthur and laid a comforting hand on his arm. Though Minji expected Arthur to shrug it off, surprisingly, he didn’t. In fact, the look he cast in Jesse’s direction was grateful.
Simone rested one shoulder against the wall and slanted her head toward Minji. In hushed tones, she said, “That explains his bluster, huh? Must have lost it all in the recession.”
Minji nodded briefly. Austin hadn’t been hit hard by the economic downturn, but she’d heard the horror stories on the news. Arthur’s voice again changed as he obviously was speaking to a toddler. She exhaled slowly and made a mental note to be more forgiving of Arthur’s attitude.
Arthur abruptly lowered the phone, his eyes widening. “It’s not happening again, is it? The call got cut off.”
Minji wagged her head in the negative. “No, I’m sure it’s not.”
A second later the phone rang again. “Hello? June? What happened? Oh, okay...I just...okay. I didn’t realize she’d hung up. I panicked.” Resuming his brisk pacing, Arthur’s color once more flared crimson. “I don’t care if you’re only a few miles from your folks! Get off the highway! You don’t know when it will hit again, June! This thing is...don’t hang up!” With a furious grunt, Arthur banged the side of his hand against the wall, but kept a firm hold on the phone. “She hung up. It’s what she does. Whenever she goes against my wishes, she hangs up and won’t pick up.”
“You don’t think she’ll pull over?” Jesse asked.
“I don’t know...” Arthur stared at the phone as he redialed. The small voice that emanated from it indicated the call had been diverted to voicemail. “I hope so.” Closing his eyes, Arthur dragged air into his lungs, obviously trying to calm his temper. “If she doesn’t pull over, I just...I don’t know.”
The quiet that descended on the hallway that reeked of the blood smeared on its floors and wall was strained and uneasy. Jesse remained close to Arthur, but didn’t attempt to comfort the man further. Simone stared with longing at the cellphone in Arthur’s hand. Meanwhile, Minji directed her attention to the world beyond the splintered glass. She could still see shapes wading through the thick haze.
The lights flicked on and off, then went dark. A deep gloom instantly consumed the hallway and waiting room.
ve it a sec,” Jesse said out of the darkness. “The emergency generator will kick on in a second or two.”
On cue, the lights flashed on and illuminated their frightened faces.
“Arthur...” Simone said into the silence.
He glanced at her.
“Can I use your phone to call my family?”
Thrusting out his hand, Arthur nodded. “Sure.”
Simone took it in her slim fingers and quickly dialed.
Minji didn’t want to hear another personal conversation, but didn’t dare move out into the waiting room. The cloud of debris ebbed and swirled outside while an unnerving groan filled the air. Perhaps another building was on the verge of collapse. Minji hoped it was far away.
“Hey, babe. It’s me! Yes, I’m okay. I’m not affected. I wasn’t on any of the planes that went down.” Simone’s smile was rapturous with relief. “I’m in a medical center right now. I’m safe.” The remainder of Simone’s conversation was much calmer and more loving than Arthur’s. After reassuring her husband, she spoke to several other people that Minji assumed were older children. When she ended the call, Simone offered the phone to Arthur.
“Let them call,” Arthur said, flicking his fingers toward Jesse and Minji. “Who knows how long it’ll have bars.”
Sadly, Jesse’s calls went unanswered and he paled beneath his dark tan. When he passed over the phone to Minji, she noticed that his hand was unsteady. She gave it a gentle squeeze before taking the phone and attempting to reach her parents, in-laws, and brother. No one answered. Somehow, that was the outcome she’d expected. She was already blessed to have her immediate family safely with her, so it seemed natural that the fates would keep the status of her extended family swathed in mystery. Life had a way of balancing the scales.
“Thank you, Arthur,” she said, returning the phone. “Maybe you should call your ex again?”
“She never listens to me. She never believes what I say.” Arthur stared at the phone. “I...I...I’m not an idiot, but she just ignores what I say.” When he raised his eyes, the frustration in them gave way to anger. “Just because I lost my job doesn’t mean I’m an idiot, you know?” A second later, the anger was replaced by the spark of revelation. “But, I know who will listen to me! I will save my kids!” Storming out of the hallway, Arthur nearly slipped on the bloody floor.
“Do you think it’s safe to go out there? The windows are cracked,” Simone called after him.
“That’s safety glass. I believe it should be okay,” Jesse assured her. “But if another building comes down, who knows?”
The sound of the television flaring to life echoed through the large room and reached Minji’s ears. Clasping Ava’s hand, she cautiously stepped out of the safety of the hallway. Arthur came into view, punching at the phone screen. With a frustrated grunt, he stalked back to the others.
“No bars out there! Only in the hallway. What the hell kind of reception is that?” Still fuming, he dialed again.
“Who are you calling?” Simone started to follow Minji, then hesitated to watch Arthur.