Page 81 of The Mesmerized
“See! See how they are with her! They’re making a path,” Arthur hissed, casting a distrustful eye in Ava’s direction. “It’s because it likes her.”
“Calm down, Arthur. We’ve got it under control now. See?” Deputy Hatcher gestured with his free hand for Minji to take the wheel while prodding her with the end of the revolver. “Get in and climb over the console into the driver’s seat.”
Minji again considered her options, but came to the same conclusion that there was nothing she could do at the moment to escape. At least Alec had one card left. She wondered if the mesmerized would let him through without Ava. If something happened to her, then Alec was the world’s last chance.
Entering on the passenger side, Minji scooted over the center console, ducking her head to do so. The interior of the car reeked of cigarette smoke. The deputy never let the weapon leave her side as he slid into the passenger seat. Seizing Ava’s arm, he hoisted her into the vehicle and positioned her between his legs. The child gave him a dark look, but remained silent. Indicating the gun pressed against Minji’s ribs, the deputy made the silent threat crystal clear to the entity within the girl.
Ava crooked her head to gaze at Minji.
“I’m going to get you home,” Minji promised.
Arthur climbed into the back seat and slammed the door shut. “Simone is probably hiding in the shuttle bus.”
“It doesn’t matter. We have what we need. Drive, Minji.”
Shifting into gear, Minji drove the SUV onward. Meanwhile, Alec strode to the shuttle bus, his hands on his hips and a weary expression on his face. Deputy Hatcher rolled down the window, letting cold air sweep through the vehicle.
“Take the other woman and the baby somewhere safe and wait this out. I’m sure the authorities will want to know all about you deciding to not obey orders!” the deputy shouted when the vehicle rolled past Alec.
“Blowing up the facility will kill thousands upon thousands of people! Send it home and end this!”
Deputy Hatcher rolled up the window and shook his head in disgust at Alec’s words.
“I told you. They’re on its side,” Arthur groused.
Directing the SUV onto the path cutting through the mesmerized, Minji squeezed the steering wheel in an effort to quell her trembling. As one, the great mass of the mesmerized started walking again. This time they strolled in two columns, allowing passage to the SUV.
“Working like a charm,” the deputy said with satisfaction.
“You could have just asked us to team with you, you know,” Minji said.
“After what Arthur told me, I’m not about to risk the world. You’ve been protecting it since all this started.”
“That kid’s been creepy since the first time I saw you, and she only got worse,” Arthur hissed near her ear. “You keep protecting her even though you know that she’s possessed by the thing destroying the world. Maybe you want to bring destruction down on humanity since you’re a weird Goth girl, but we won’t let you.”
Minji wished that the entity would attack, but Ava’s eyes now glittered with unshed tears, stark fear stamped on her face. Was it just the entity, or was Ava afraid, too? The need to comfort her child was difficult to ignore. Maintaining her focus on her journey along the track provided by the mesmerized, Minji’s mind skimmed through all the ways she could possibly outwit the two men holding her captive.
The beams from the headlights illuminated the terrible condition of the masses. A few individuals toppled to the ground only to be trampled by the others.
“If you set off the bomb, you’ll kill all these people. You’ll kill us,” Minji said. “There is no way we can escape in time.”
“Maybe. I don’t like the idea of dying, but if it’s to save everyone else, I’ll do it,” the big man answered ominously.
“Uh, what bomb? What?” Arthur leaned forward. “What bomb, Lenny?”
“He didn’t tell you? Part of their orders is to set off a bomb to destroy the facility to make sure the creature is dead.” Checking her rearview mirror, Minji was pleased to see Arthur’s frightened face.
“Can’t we just shoot it?” Arthur asked.
“I don’t know. No one told me if it’s killable that way. We’re supposed to go in, follow the shutdown procedures on the portal, and then activate the bomb.” There was a hint of uncertainty in the man’s face and tone. “We’re supposed to have enough time to get away, but with all these people out here, I doubt we’d be able to.”
“But if we can shoot it, can’t we skip the bomb part?” Arthur sounded on the verge of a panic attack.
“Maybe...” the deputy said, but sounded non-committal.
A definite bruise was forming where the gun was pushing into her ribs. Minji bit the inside of her lower lip to keep from whimpering. Every bump in the road was deepening the contusion, making it more painful.
“What if we just kill her?” Arthur asked, pointing at Ava.