Page 87 of The Mesmerized
“Take my gun.” Alec held out his weapon.
“It won’t do me any good. I have no idea how to shoot it.”
Minji slipped through the doorway and ran quietly to the corner. Peeking around it, she saw Arthur walking cautiously toward the tent. Unzipping her boots, she slid her feet out then tugged off her socks. The floor was cold, but she was able to move quietly on her bare toes.
Arthur was so intent on the baby he appeared oblivious to his surroundings. Body visibly shaking, his footfalls thumped heavily against the concrete floor and echoed through the room, obliterating even the slightest sound of Minji creeping along behind him. When he reached the tent, he stepped over the numerous bodies surrounding it, shoved back the flap, and stepped into the plastic tunnel that led to the interior.
Crouching, Minji glanced at the control room. The windows reflected the overhead light, obscuring Alec. On her toes, Minji edged toward the entrance to the tent, ignoring the tacky feel of the drying blood against her skin. Arthur’s sobs of despair were muffled by the plastic. The obviously distraught man wiped at his face with his hands when he reached the antechamber inside. Unable to push open the doorway flaps, he tucked his weapon into his belt and fumbled with the zipper that bisected the door.
Seeing an opportunity, Minji hurtled through the long tube and tackled Arthur just as he finished. Together they tumbled into the inner room, crashing against the incubator. It wobbled but stayed erect. The plastic floor was slippery and Minji fought to find traction as Arthur scrabbled at her body, trying to grapple her.
“Stupid bitch!” he roared.
Managing to roll onto her side, she kicked him using the inside of her ankle, knocking him aside. Arthur recovered then lunged for her. He’d obviously never been in a real fight. Instead of hitting her to keep her down, he attempted to pin her with both hands. Spittle flew from his reddened lips as he screamed obscenities. Minji hit him with a firm uppercut and bucked her hips to throw him off balance. Enraged, Arthur unleashed furious blows at her face, but Minji got her arms up, blocking him. One hard shove with her feet lifted her thighs off the ground and sent him toppling over onto the floor.
Minji bounced up and slipped into her boxing position. Arthur crawled to his knees and dragged the weapon out of his waistband. She’d been waiting for this move and before he could even lift it all the way to aim, she kicked his wrist, landing a solid blow. The firearm sailed across the tent and smashed into the plastic wall, then slid to the floor.
“We need to kill it!” Arthur screeched. “We need to kill it like it killed our families!”
“Stay back, Arthur. I will hurt you.”
“Do you want us all to die?” Arthur howled in despair. “Do you?”
“I want us to live, Arthur. I want all of us to live.”
Face red with fury, Arthur started to stand, but Minji lashed out with a well-placed kick, flattening him again. Instead of attempting to rise, Arthur scrambled across the floor to the fallen firearm. Minji darted around the incubator hoping to beat him to it, but his hand closed over the pistol and lifted it just as she reached him. Aiming the gun at her, Arthur’s eyes dangerously glinted as he got to his feet.
“You’re a traitor, Minji. I always knew it,” Arthur hissed. Taking a sharp step to one side, he put the incubator squarely between them.
It was the first time Minji was able to clearly see a creature twisting about with countless limbs, eyes, and tentacles. It was not one color, but many. Its form was so chaotic her mind had difficulty comprehending what she was seeing. Frozen at the sight of the child, Minji forgot Arthur even existed as one long, delicate tendril lifted to touch her hand. It shimmered like light caught in a dewdrop and tears formed in her eyes. It was beautiful, terrible, majestic, and horrible.
With a strangled cry, Arthur aimed the weapon at the child.
“Don’t!” Minji ordered, flinging out one hand.
The invisible tendrils of icy power rushed out of the tiny being and slashed through the air. Minji sensed them reaching for Arthur and a second later, the gun fell from his grip as his face slackened. Enough time had passed that the child could once m
ore attack those who threatened it.
The exquisite appendage wrapped around Minji’s wrist. It was almost painfully cold, but she endured it. Writhing pearlescent tendrils, reflecting every color, or maybe were every color, looped around her arm. With graceful gentleness, the baby tugged itself into Minji’s embrace. Stunned, Minji allowed it to do as it willed, uncertain she could have tossed it way if she wanted. The multitude of limbs encompassed her torso and something that could have been a head brushed under her chin. The sensation was akin to running cold silk over her flesh. The sounds issuing forth from the being made her want to weep with joy and scream in fear. It was both comforting and overwhelming. The child nestled against her and gradually her senses acclimated to the point where she could draw a breath.
The air was so icy.
In awe, Minji carried the infant out of the tent, through the tube, and out into the massive room. Facing the control room, she trembled.
“Alec! Alec!” Minji cried out.
There was a short hiss, then Alec’s voice over the intercom said, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. We’re both fine. It – she –managed to stop Arthur.”
“I’m about to open the doorway. You need to get out of there.”
“I have to give her baby back, Alec.”
“Minji, for Christ’s sake... there are safety protocols and...” Alec’s face was slightly distorted by the thick glass and she saw him shake his head.
“It came to me. Crawled into my arms,” Minji replied. “I can’t turn it away.”