Page 11 of Dirty Wedding
I'm still buzzing. From his touch, his stare, his promise.
And the thrill of my problems dissolving.
Ten million dollars.
It's unthinkable and it's mine.
Not for a while, but a hundred grand will keep me comfortable for a long time.
And the mortgage paid, Sienna's school covered—
It's everything.
"In-di-go." Sienna pulls the door open. She throws her arms around me. Pulls me inside. (We're both tall, but she's an athlete. She's much stronger than I am.) "You have a lot to explain, young lady."
"Do I?"
She nods absolutely. Motions to the kitchen table with a stern we need to talk expression.
"It's serious?"
"Very serious." She fills two glasses with water. Brings both to the table. Waits for me to sit.
Okay. Sure. I'll play along. "What is it I need to explain?"
"Look at the time."
I make a show of looking at the microwave clock.
"Indigo Simms! Are you even listening?"
"It's eight thirty."
"Am I home too late, Mom?"
She shakes her head. "Too late? Too early! I Google Mapped the restaurant. Twenty minutes on the subway."
She stands. Slams both hands on the table. The ultimate show of toughness. "How much time does that leave for dinner?"
"Do you have a point?"
"It's not even nine! Unless you spent the last two hours in a limo, canoodling with Mr. London, I demand an explanation."
A laugh escapes my lips. Then another. Another.
"Is this funny?"
Yes. I double over. Press my hand into my stomach. Oh my god. This is perfect… "Sienna…"
"You're supposed to be getting laid."
"You… have an explanation, I hope."
"Oh my god."
"No, no, no, don't bring your god into this." She shakes her head with mock outrage. "This is between you and…"
"My god?"
She folds her arms. "Why aren't you enjoying carnal delights right now?"
Oh my god. She's ridiculous. I stand and pull my sister into a hug.
"This is not an explanation."
"You're not getting an explanation." I release her. "My sex life is not your business."
She frowns.
"When did you become so obsessed with sex?"
"Uh… always?"
As soon as she hit puberty, yeah. That is accurate.
"You look all—" she draws a circle around my face. "Needy. Like you wish you went back to his place after dinner. And why did it end so early? Did he get fat?"
"Oh, so you wouldn't sleep with a fat guy?"
"Don't even."
"Then why?" She raises a brow. "Is he engaged now? Married? Does he want you to be the other woman?"
"I haven't seen him in forever."
"He booty-called. You answered. What gives?"
Is that really all he wants? Ten years to have his way with me? "We…" What can I tell her that isn't a lie? "I'm going to see him again tomorrow."
"Where? His apartment? His office? A bar? Will you have sex in the bathroom?"
"Hmm…" I press my finger to my chin. "Still none of your business."
She pouts. "All right, fine. But we're still going to celebrate." She claps her hands together. "Whiskey?"
She exaggerates her frown, then lets it fade to a smile. "How about gelato? The place down the street is open until eleven."
And they have a great pistachio. My favorite. "Gelato is perfect."
"Next time, come home after it's already closed, okay?"
I can't help but laugh. It's sweet, how much she wants me to get laid.
Weird. But sweet.
And I…
I want to say yes, but I have no idea what Ty has in store for me.
Chapter Nine
The second I arrive home, I finalize the details.
The contract on the way to the courier.
The wedding planner on retainer.
My assistant ready for the afternoon.
Paloma assures me Indigo is in good hands.
Still, I toss and turn.
I've never slept well. There was always something inside me, this fear I'd wake up to news my father was never coming home.
He was in the military and he was usually deployed.
In some foreign country, in a secret location, doing work he couldn't discuss.
When he was on leave, when he was home, smiling at my mother, taking me and Ian to football games, knocking back pints with friends—
That was the only time I slept well.
Then Ian enlisted and—
I thought I'd never sleep again.
My older brother. The man who raised me when my father wasn't around. The man who always knew what to do. Who knew how to talk to girls, fix the sink, cook Mum dinner.
I was only twelve when he enlisted.
I wasn't ready to be without him.
I wasn't ready to be the man of the house.
I wasn't ready to pick up slack for my mother when she was tired or overworked or lonely.
She did her best. She's a tough woman. Strong.
But it wore on her too. Her husband and her oldest son were off someplace risking their lives.
She tried to hide her loneliness. She tried to pretend nothing was wrong.
But everything was wrong.
Ian was away. My best friend, my older brother, my mentor—
He wasn't there.
When he and Dad were home, they tried to make up for lost time.
But there was never enough time.