Page 34 of Dirty Wedding
"The importance of cunnilingus?" My cheeks flush.
"The line. About not being a gentleman," Cam says.
"Do you not appreciate the importance of… performing?" Sienna looks to Ty. "Really, Ty, first the quickie, now this."
"Do you, Ty?" Cam holds up his glass of wine. "That would be the first I've heard of a lack of generosity on his part. But you can never be sure."
"Ty has a reputation for being generous?" Sienna taps his glass. "Should we toast to it?"
"To making a woman come? Absolutely." He taps his glass against hers.
Before Ty or I can react, they take their first sips.
Ty leans in to whisper, "I like the toast."
My blush deepens. I look to my sister. His cousin. "To true love."
"That's a downgrade." Sienna pouts, but she toasts anyway. "But I guess you two already covered sex."
"How do you know?" Cam asks.
"In the limo. I didn't see anything, but they had this look when I got to the car. Like their parents had walked in on them."
"It's horrifying when it happens," Cam says. "But I imagine you'd stand there and offer technique advice, Sienna."
She laughs. "I wouldn't watch."
He raises a brow.
"Okay, maybe for a minute. Just to make sure Ty is treating her right. But I don't want to see my sister have sex." She looks to me. "No offense, Indie."
"Thank god," I say.
She turns to Cam. "Would you watch your siblings?"
"No," he says.
"Ty?" she asks.
"Not on purpose," Cam says. "Once. When he was in university. Our families were on holiday. And he brought a girl back to the house we'd rented."
"Go on…" she says.
"Fuck." Ty chuckles. "Don't tell her that."
"It highlights your generous spirit." He turns to Sienna. "I slept in that day. And when I came out of my bedroom, Ty was on the couch with this girl. He was dressed. She was naked."
"Oh?" Sienna raises a brow.
"And her legs were around his head." Cam chuckles. "It was the first time I saw a woman come. I couldn't look away."
Ty actually blushes.
God, it's so sexy.
I want to jump him right here.
And tell his cousin to stop offering Sienna sex stories. But he's just like her. He's doing it to push Ty's buttons.
Are we really this predictable?
"Did that really happen?" Sienna asks.
"What do you think?" Cam motions to Ty. "Does his expression sell it?"
"Ty seems honest." She studies Ty's expression. Turns back to Cam. "You… not as much."
"To perceptive women." Cam holds up his glass to toast again.
She taps her glass against his. "You're a proud liar?"
"What is it you call it here? A tall tale. It's not true, but it speaks to a great truth," he says.
She laughs. "So you didn't walk in on Ty performing on a woman?"
"I did. But at a party. And I left the room instantly," he says.
"So what's the greater truth?" she asks. "Ty's generous spirit and sexual talents?"
"Exactly," he says.
"Yeah, I think I got that already." She motions to me. "My sister hasn't gotten laid in a long time. It's pretty obvious that she's suddenly satisfied."
"But what if it's just that it's been so long?" he asks.
"And not his skill?" Sienna looks to Ty. "Are you going to take this lying down?"
"I'm secure in my abilities," Ty says.
"What a cop-out," Sienna says.
"You need to try harder than that to bait him," Cam says. "He grew up with me."
"Hmm… what do you suggest?" she asks.
"Aren't you her wing woman?" Cam stage whispers.
Sienna nods.
"Something about how he could never make her come four times in one night then," Cam says.
Sienna laughs. "Could you, Ty?"
He shrugs, effortlessly aloof.
Sienna looks to me. Catches me blushing. "I think he's done it before."
"He still has to prove he can do it again," Cam says.
Ty leans in to whisper, "Should I?"
Even though they know what he's saying—they must—I nod.
Yes. Of course.
I'll take whatever he has to give.
Chapter Twenty
Sienna is just like her sister. Good at pushing buttons.
She flirts with Cam at every opportunity. Teases Indie about sex just enough to make her blush. Shoots me I know you think this is cute, but I didn't forget about ruining you if you hurt my sister looks every fifteen minutes.
Cam steps into his role as wingman. It comes naturally to the troublemaking athlete. He's like Sienna that way.
Loves getting a rise out of people.
If I didn't know better, I'd be horrified by their flirting. Cam's much too old for Sienna. And Indie will do anything to protect her sister.
But I know Cam. He won't fuck her.
Even so, I bite my tongue as they flirt. I don't like it. I want to protect Sienna too. But if they know they're riling me, they'll push even harder.
And then they'll forget why they're flirting and end up fucking.
So I toast to sex tips and promises of future orgasms. I shift the conversation to football players as we order dinner.