Page 36 of Subterranean
The black eyes swung in his direction. Its mouth opened, revealing row after row of teeth.
Ashley cringed as the snout turned in her direction. It hissed, its breath reeking of carnage. Reaching blindly for any weapon, her hand fell upon the flashlight attached to her belt. Maybe she could club it away. Grabbing the thick handle, she swung the flashlight forward.
Ben stopped his struggle to dislodge his rifle. "Turn it on!" he yelled. "High beam!"
Reacting spontaneously to his command, she clicked the lever all the way up. A spear of light lanced out of their hiding place, stabbing the beast squarely in the eye.
Roaring, the creature snapped its head away.
As it retreated beyond the ridge of the boulder, an explosion of rifle fire erupted. Villanueva, she thought. He's still out there. She pushed onto her knees. A second round of rifle fire, this time from behind them. Ashley turned a questioning eye on Ben.
"Go!" he yelled.
She sprang to her feet, jumping a few steps away, clearing room for Ben, just as another blast of rifle fire exploded from ahead.
A scream of hissing rage echoed through the cavern, followed by a loud crash into the boulders.
"Watch out!" Ben shoved her from behind.
Falling forward, she rolled onto her side and saw the cascade of boulders tumble between her and Ben, filling the space where she just stood. "Ben!"
From behind the wall of rock: "I'm okay!… But I don't see a way to get to you!"
"Then try for Michaelson!"
"Bloody hell, I'm not leaving you!"
Not waiting any longer, fearing for Villanueva, she cautiously crept to the front of the boulders and peeked beyond its edge.
Her eyes widened in terror.
Villanueva's shot went sour, missing the head and glancing harmlessly off the beast's neck, but it was enough to draw its attention.
It struck at him, like a riled snake.
The mouth snapped at where the SEAL had been standing, but he had already hopped several yards back. It opened its mouth and bellowed, its eyes reflected red. He backed up another faltering step. The beast's head lowered closer to the ground, its body bunched close behind, taut with quivering muscles.
It was going to lunge.
Aiming from the waist, Villanueva pulled the rifle's trigger as the beast burst toward him. The shot hit home, striking the beast in the shoulder, a spout of blood flying.
Unfazed, it barreled forward.
He dodged to the right.
This time he was too slow.
As he tried to turn away, his arm was yanked back, toppling him onto the hard rock. Suddenly his whole body was jerked into the air and dangled by an arm from the jaws of the beast. Searing pain threatened to swallow him into darkness.
Clenching his teeth, he struggled for his rifle, the leather strap still wrapped around his forearm. But it dangled just out of reach. He pulled it up to his chest, trying to grip it one-handed.
Just as his fingers slipped in place, the beast shook him like dog with a rag doll. His shoulder popped from its socket.
A bone snapped.
A tidal wave of blackness washed over him, drowning him.
The rifle slipped from his limp fingers.
Michaelson shoved Linda behind him. "Get back." He dodged behind yet another boulder, his rifle raised to cover their retreat. It was stalking them, backing them toward the wall. From the sound of gunfire, they were being forced in the direction of the group battling the other monster.
A clever move, he thought. It was trying to corral him back into the jaws of the other beast. "Khalid, get your butt up front here," he yelled. "I want your gun on this trail. I need to reload."
No answer.
He glanced over his shoulder.
No Khalid. No Linda. Where were they?
He turned forward to face the trail again. Two yards away, a head the size of a bull's snaked around a boulder. Small nostril flaps, spread like Chinese fans, tested the air as it hunted. It shied from his light, then stepped into view. It walked upright on two thickly muscled legs. Its mouth gaped open, almost like it was grinning. It lowered its head close to the rock floor, searching for scent. With its back bent, Michaelson noted the ridge of raised quills running down its back.
Fuckin' monster. He raised his rifle and zeroed his sights on its butt-ugly face. Smiling grimly, he pulled the trigger.
– snick-
The firing pin snapped on an empty chamber.
Ashley crawled forward. Please… still be alive.
Villanueva hung limp in the jaws of the beast. The creature jerked the SEAL's body back and forth a final time, then dropped him to the rocky floor.
Cringing, Ashley held her breath. Blood soaked his entire torso. Shit! He wasn't moving.
The beast cocked its head from side to side, studying its catch, like a bird with a worm. Focused on its prey, it was unaware of her.
Careful, she thought. Don't draw its attention. She crouched and placed each step cautiously. Her pistol was three yards away. She swallowed and took another step forward.
Almost there.
Clenching her teeth, she slipped to the gun.
The beast still toyed with Villanueva. Using a daggered claw, it flipped the SEAL's sprawled body over. She could hear it sniffing at his blood.
Ashley reached for her pistol. As her fingers wrapped around the gun, she froze.
Voices rose behind her.
"It's just over here." She recognized Khalid's thick accent.
"Are you sure?" Linda's strained voice.
The beast whipped its head around, right toward Ashley. She froze, afraid to move, praying the creature's vision was poor.
"We'll be safe in the wormhole. Too narrow for them to get to us." The voices were approaching her location. "We'll make a dash for it."
The beast's neck strained forward, head cocked. Still as stone, it listened to the voices and sounds of movement approaching. Perhaps…
She raised her gun, moving with agonizing slowness. No sudden motions to distract it.
Focusing down the barrel, she tried to target its obsidian eye, but a huge bridge of bone protected it. She didn't have a shot, unless it tilted its head just slightly.
From behind her, Linda cried, "It's Ashley!"
Shut up, she silently willed the woman. Linda obviously hadn't rounded the boulder far enough to see what else was out here.
Ashley heard Linda's boot heel scrape loose shale. "Khalid, Ashley must have had the same idea as-Oh! God!"
The beast twitched its head in Linda's direction, an eye rolling into view. Ignoring Linda's scream, Ashley pulled the trigger twice in rapid succession, the recoil dumping her backward.
Unsure if she had hit her mark, she struggled back up into a crouched position, expecting to see a maw of teeth snapping down on her.