Page 59 of Subterranean
Now that he mentioned it, she could hear it too. A low roaring. She recognized the sound from her grandfather's home outside of Quebec City. "Sounds like a waterfall."
"Yes, I think so. But it's getting late. And with fungus ahead, we should make camp here. We can strike out in the morning for the falls."
She nodded. She too had no desire to battle another attack by the predatory mold, but she had been dreading this moment as well. Camping. Spending the first night with the man she now knew as a murderer.
Suddenly a yell echoed from the tunnel ahead. Startled, Linda involuntarily stepped closer to Khalid. Someone calling. It was from far away, but it was human!
"Jason! Where the hell are you?"
Gosh, Jason thought, can't a guy get a little privacy? Zippering his pants, he stepped back around the stalagmite into view. "I just needed to take a leak," he called to Dr. Blakely. "I've been holding it all day."
The doctor hurried over to him, still dripping from his swim, his eyebrows knit with anger. "Don't ever do that again!"
"Run off like that."
"I was only over there." Jason pointed at his rest station.
"I don't care. There are all sorts of hazards around here." Blakely's face relaxed, but his breathing was still raspy. "Listen, Jason, we need to be careful. Stick together."
"All right. I didn't mean to…"
"It's fine. Now let's see about that bump on your noggin."
Dragging his feet, Jason crossed to the small boulder and sat. With a grimace, he let Blakely clean his wound. It wasn't too bad when he flushed the wound. Heck, it almost felt good. He relaxed, closing his eyes. Suddenly his forehead stung as if it were on fire. "Owww!"
"Oh, quit fidgeting. It's only a little iodine."
"It burns."
"That's good. That means it's working." Blakely strapped a sticky bandage over the cut. Then he sat back, seeming to admire his handiwork. "We'll need to change this twice a day."
Jason rolled his eyes. Great.
Blakely crossed to fish through the collected salvage from the boat. "Are you hungry?"
"No. I'm fine. Unless you have one of those chocolate bars."
Blakely hauled out the box that held the food and cracked it open. He reached in and pulled out a foil-wrapped bar.
Jason's eyes widened. He held out a hand.
The doctor split the bar into quarters, then passed him a single section. "We're going to have to strictly ration our supplies."
He accepted his share with a frown. Man, this sucked. "So how do we get back up?"
"We don't. We have no flashlights."
"So what do we do?"
"We wait. A day or so. Someone will find us."
Jason knew a lie when he heard one, but he kept his mouth closed. The doctor had enough on his mind, and Jason didn't want to be a bother.
Slumping on the rock, he noticed a familiar red bag. "Hey, my gym bag! You saved it. Thanks!" Scooting over to his bag, he opened it up and pawed through it. Still here!
He pulled out his Nintendo game and sat back on his heels with a sigh. He thumbed on the power button, and in a few seconds, a familiar theme song jingled from the game. "Cool!"
Jason leaned back against a stalagmite and attended to his game. At least he would have something to do while they waited. Immersed in the world of Nintendo, it was almost like he was back home. By now his mother was usually complaining about the noise from his Game Boy. Sighing, he plunged his character into level twelve.
"Jason, could you turn that off," Blakely said, standing up. "The noise."
Jason grinned. Just like his mother. What was it with grown-ups anyway?
"Please, Jason, hurry." There was a note of urgency in his voice.
He clicked off the game and stood up, crossing closer to Blakely. "What-"
"Shhh! I thought I heard something."
Jason held his breath, picturing another of those creatures sneaking up on them. He shifted farther behind the doctor. They waited for several tense heartbeats. It was difficult to hear with the waterfall crashing so close. Straining with so much churning water nearby was beginning to make his ears ring. He swallowed hard, his mouth dry. Maybe the doctor had just thought he heard something. Like one of those desert mirages, but with sound. He sure as heck hoped so.
Blakely shook his head. "I don't know-"
"Hellooo!" The call echoed through the cavern, causing both of them to jump.
Blakely looked at Jason. "Someone's out there! I can't believe it!"
Jason watched as Blakely climbed on top of a boulder. It took the old man a few tries to boost up on top. Jason clambered deftly up next to him. "Who do you think it is?"
"I don't know, but let's find out." Blakely cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled, "We're over here! By the foot of the waterfall!"
Jason listened for a reply. Nothing for several heart-beats, then an answer: "We're coming! Stay put!"
"I told you someone would find us. I told you." Blakely suddenly sounded exhausted and wheezy as he scooted from the boulder.
Jason watched the doctor slump to his knees beside the rock. Something was wrong.
Jason hopped down and crossed to the doctor. Blakely coughed raggedly, then slipped to his side and collapsed.
"Dr. Blakely!" Jason tugged on his arm. He didn't respond.
Jason's heart seized in his throat. He searched around him, desperate, his hands shaking. Jason darted to the boulder top and screamed at the shadows, "Help!"
Linda hurried to catch up with Khalid, her pack dangling from one shoulder. She stared across the cavern. "That sounded like Ashley's son."
Khalid grunted and continued deeper into the cavern, aiming for the foot of the falls. He held a pistol in his left hand. "If it is Jason," he finally said, "then we must be near the base. Blakely would not let the boy travel far from the security of the camp."
She eyed the gun. "What're you going to do?"
"Complete my mission."
"What do you mean?"
"That depends on you."
Linda swallowed hard. "Listen, Khalid, I don't want anyone else killed."
His eyes became shadowed under heavy brows. "Then keep your mouth shut. As long as they stay blind to my mission, I'll spare them."
She remembered Villanueva murdered so suddenly and needlessly. "I won't say a word."
Khalid nodded and set up a quicker pace again. Within a few yards, he pointed forward. "Over there. On top of that rock. I can see him. It's the boy."