Page 2 of Secret Agent Santa
“Looking forward to it.” The toe of a polished dress shoe tapped the pavers on the balcony, and Claire clenched her teeth to keep them from chattering.
“There’s quite a crowd here tonight, Senator. I understand your stepdaughter, Claire, is an amazing fund-raiser.”
“If by fund-raiser you mean relentless harridan, that’s Claire.” Spencer chuckled. “Just like her mother.”
Claire’s blood ran like ice through her veins, and it had nothing to do with her rapidly dropping body temperature. The chill in Spencer’s voice when he mentioned her mother buoyed her suspicions that he’d had something to do with Mom’s death. Maybe by discovering what he was up to with his vast amount of fund-raising and secretive meetings with suspected terrorists she would finally uncover evidence tying him to Mom’s so-called accident.
She still had the video—the video that had sent her reeling and tumbling down a rabbit hole.
“A great lady, your wife.” The shoe retreated, and Claire never heard Spencer’s response to the compliment to his dead wife as the doors closed on the two men.
She let out a long breath and a new round of chills claimed her body. Even though they’d closed the door, her stepfather and his crony were still in the office.
She turned toward the low wall around the balcony and peered over the edge. She could hike up her dress and climb over and then try to reach the trellis that was positioned on the side of the building. She was just one story up.
“Are you going to jump?”
She gasped and jerked her head toward the sound of the voice from below. A man stood just outside the circle of light emanating from the side of the house. What was he doing out here? More important, why was he yelling? She put her finger to her lips and shook her head.
He caught on quickly. He shrugged a pair of broad shoulders draped in a black overcoat and turned the corner back to the front of the house, his red scarf billowing behind him.
Could this night get any worse? She rubbed her freezing hands together, and couldn’t feel her fingertips.
Then the shadows from the office stopped their dance across the balcony and she knew the two men had left the room. Biting her lip, she tried the door and heaved a sigh of relief. At least Spencer hadn’t locked it. He didn’t need to with the sensors, cameras and security guards monitoring this place—her place.
She tripped back into the room, her feet blocks of ice in her strappy silver sandals. She made a beeline for the door, throwing a backward glance at the computer. She’d finish checking passwords another time.
She crept down the hallway toward the stairs, but instead of heading down to her party, she climbed the steps to the third level of the expansive townhome her mother used to share with Spencer Correll, Mom’s third husband.
She needed to warm up before mingling with her guests, anyway, and a visit to her son was a surefire way to warm both her heart and body.
Pushing open the door next to her bedroom, she tiptoed into the darkened room, the night-light shaped like a train her beacon. She knelt beside Ethan’s bed and burrowed her hands beneath the covers, resting her head next to his on the pillow.
His warm mint-scented breath bathed her cheek, and she traced the curve of his earlobe with her lips.
She whispered, “Love you, beautiful boy.”
His long lashes fluttered and he mumbled in his sleep. She had to get him out of here, out of this viper’s nest. His grandparents had been clamoring to take him snowboarding in Colorado over the holidays, and even though this would be her first Christmas without him, she was making the sacrifice to protect him. He’d be leaving her in two days.
“Claire?” The shaft of light from the hallway widened across the floor.
Her stepfather’s voice always made her skin crawl.
“I’m in here, Spencer.”
“You have a surprise guest downstairs.”
“I hope this guest came with his or her checkbook.”
“Oh, I think he came with a lot more than that.” Spencer stepped into the room. “Where have you been all night? I haven’t seen you since the festivities kicked off with the tree lighting.”
“I had a headache, and then I stopped in to see Ethan. I’m getting in some extra time with him before sending him off to his grandparents.”