Page 38 of Scary Hot
“Yes. Oh, it’s no problem. But would you mind doing me a solid? Because you’re not the first to call, and it’s upsetting my woman during her first trimester, and I’d like to keep her as calm as possible, since it’s a delicate time during her pregnancy,” he relays.
I can’t help but smile. My man is addicted to googling all things pregnancy. He has thirteen—thirteen!—baby apps on his phone, and he religiously checks each and every one of them to see what’s happening inside my uterus that day. If a giant, scary hot, former military biker can be adorable, then that’s exactly what Z is. Freaking adorable.
“If it’s not too much trouble, would you please spread it around your social circle that Kayan is taken and is glowingly, beautifully with child?”
I slap my hand across my face to hide the laughter that suddenly wants to burst from me. My whole body shakes from the suppressed cackles that want to break free. I move my hand, mouthing With child? And roll my eyes. God, I love this man.
He winks at me with a grin. “I’d greatly appreciate that, Mark. You have a great day.” And he hangs up. “See? I told you I’d be nice.”
I giggle. “That you did. I’m quite proud.”
“Kitten, we’ve really gotta work on your bad habit of wanting to answer your phone while we’re… busy,” he says, kissing my inner thigh, where he’s been lying between my legs, the backs of my thighs resting on his shoulders. “You’re gonna give me a complex.” He licks the place where my inner thigh connects to my center, making me squirm. “Make me think I’m not doing a good job down here, when you continue to pick it up every time it rings.”
His tongue swipes from the very bottom of my opening to the hood over my clit, making me sigh. “No way, Z. There’s no way you could be doing a better job. I swear—oooooh, just like that—it’s just a compulsion. I’m an office manager—oh, God! I don’t have it in me to not answer when the phone rings.”
“Then new rule, kitten,” he growls against my sensitive nub. “The phone goes on silent when we’re in bed.” He sucks my clit between his lips, and my eyes cross.
“Deal!” I cry, as shudders take over my entire body.
“Yeah, so long story short, my best friend went and got herself kidnapped by these a-holes who were running a sex trafficking ring. Yep, the same guys who were fighting the dogs that were being dropped off at our clinic. Ugh. It’s like she was trying to send me into early labor or something. Jeez. But of course, she’s a badass. I mean a bad mamajama. I’d like to think it’s all the adventures I’ve made her go on. My partner in crime put together all the skills I’ve taught her, and she not only saved herself, but a girl who had been taken before her. And the guys rode in on their motorcycles like knights on horses, and now they’re both doing fine.” Kayan bites a slice of orange, taking a sip of Sprite behind it. It’s her go-to snack, a craving that points to our baby being a girl, according to my Glow Nurture app.
I watch as she continues to gossip on the phone with my mom, her feet propped up on the coffee table, the damn Chihuahua curled up at the top of her stomach between her tits.
“No shi— shut the front door. Seriously?” she corrects herself and I smile, both at her attempt to watch her language and at her sudden excitement. Her eyes meet mine. “Your mom just told me that espresso has less caffeine in it than regular brewed coffee. I can totally go back to having my lattes!”
I raise a brow and shake my head. “One a day, kitten. Doc said no more than one a day.”
She sticks her bottom lip out, keeping her narrowed eyes on me as she then shoves two orange slices into her mouth. “Whatever.”
After a few more minutes of chatting, Kayan hands me the phone, saying my mom wants to talk to me.
“Have you done it yet?” she asks, and my heart gives a heavy thud.
“Not yet, Ma,” I reply, rubbing the back of my shaved head.
“Better get on it, son. Or some other guy is gonna come along and snatch her up right from under you,” she teases, knowing about Kayan’s dad trying to set her up with other men a couple months ago. My woman has formed a very strong bond with my mom, talks to her every day and tells her everything. It warms me like nothing else before. My mom has the daughter she always longed for, and Kayan has the parent she wished she’d had all along.