Page 103 of Uncut Bundle
“Getting undressed. I want a bath.”
“Well, yes. So do I. But…”
“But,” he said calmly, “you want to go first.” He gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “No problem, Salome. The tub’s more than big enough for two.”
“I am not taking a bath with…” Her breath caught. He was tugging his shirt free of his jeans. “Must you do that?”
“Do what?” He spoke calmly, but there was a tightness in his words.
“Get undressed as if I weren’t here. It’s—it’s not polite.”
“Give me a break, baby. I’ve had you beneath me with my hand between your legs. You really think I’m going to believe the sight of me taking my clothes off is too much for a lady like you?”
Her face blazed. “You’re disgusting!”
nbsp; She was right. He was going out of his way to offend her, and he was damned if he knew why…unless it was because he’d had it with her act, the way she pretended to be innocent when it suited her, then going wild in his arms when that seemed a better choice.
There was only one way to settle the tension between them, and he’d be damned if she was going to talk her way out of it.
“Come on,” he said as he dumped his T-shirt on the floor. “Unbutton that shirt and…” His eyebrows drew together. She was staring at his left arm. “It’s a tattoo. An eagle. Didn’t you notice it before?”
Her eyes flew to his. “No.”
“Take a closer look. It won’t bite.” A sexy smile angled across his mouth. “I might, but if I did, you’d like it.”
He strolled toward her, deliberately flexing his arm so she could see the tattoo on his bicep in fuller detail. Naked to the waist, he was a magnificent sight.
Completely, gloriously male.
The eagle, wings spread, talons extended, golden eyes blazing, suited him to perfection.
“Well?” His voice was husky. “What do you think?”
Leanna tore her gaze from his and stared at the tattoo again. The eagle was a beautiful, deadly-efficient predator. Seeing it, she suddenly knew how its prey would feel as it swept down from the sky, the bone-deep realization that what came next was inevitable, that nothing in life could ever have as much meaning as being chosen by him, taken by him…
She jerked her head up. The look on Cam’s face was as primitive as the pounding of her blood. He dropped the shirt, took a step forward, speared the fingers of one hand deep into her hair, tilted her head up and kissed her.
“No,” she whispered, but she was already lifting herself to him, winding her arms around his neck, parting his lips so he could slip his tongue into her mouth.
“Like that,” he said, bringing her closer, moving against her so she could feel how much he wanted her. “Just like that.”
Her head fell back and he dipped his head and kissed the long line of her throat, nipped at the tender flesh, then soothed the tiny wound with a kiss.
Cam framed her face with his hands. Took tiny, biting kisses of her willing mouth. Swept his hands down her arms, then gathered her into a fierce embrace.
“Say it,” he whispered. “Tell me, Salome. Tell me this is what you’ve waited for.”
Leanna trembled. He was right. She wanted him. Wanted this. Had wanted it from his first caress. He was her knight, and she was—
She was his Salome.
That was the woman he wanted. A seductress who lived for the pleasure of the flesh, who could play the game with him and never look back.
Was that the kind of man she wanted to take her virginity?