Page 126 of Uncut Bundle
He cupped her bottom, lifted her to him and slipped deep inside her. Leanna gave a ragged cry and locked her legs around his waist as he filled her. Deeper. Deeper. Only his strength, his embrace, his erection kept her from collapsing to the floor.
They came together in an explosive burst of energy. Leanna wept unashamedly; Cam cried out. He drew her down to the floor and held her tightly against his thundering heart.
Something was happening to him, something he didn’t understand or want or…
An unearthly roar filled the air. The windows shattered and Leanna screamed in terror. Cam flung his body over hers as glass flew into the room.
Outside the window, an enormous black helicopter hovered over the garden, its bulk blocking out the sky.
“CAM,” Leanna screamed, “Cam, what’s happening?”
He rolled away from her, grabbed his trousers and pulled them on. The ’copter had moved out of view and was descending. He could hear the whap-whap of its blades.
“They found us, sweetheart.”
“The sultan’s men? But—but Shalla said this place was a sanctuary.”
“Shalla lied.” Glass was in his hair. He could feel tiny shards of it under his feet but he was okay except for that. He grabbed Salome, looked her over quickly, breathed a little easier once he was convinced she wasn’t hurt.
“Get dressed.”
She grabbed her clothes, yanked them on with shaking hands. Cam picked up the gun, jacked a shell into the chamber and headed for the door.
Leanna ran after him. “Cam, wait!”
He swung toward her, bare-chested, barefoot, the gun in his hand.
“Bolt the door after me.”
“No! I’m going with you!”
“Bolt it and don’t open it, no matter what you hear. Not unless I tell you to open it.”
“Cameron. I’m not letting you go out there alone.”
“You damned well are.”
Leanna stared at Cam. For a moment, he looked like a dangerous stranger. But he wasn’t. He was the man she loved.
Whatever happened, she wanted to be with him, even if it meant dying with him.
“I’m going with you, Cam. You can’t stop me.”
“Damn it, Salome, I don’t have time to argue!”
“That’s right. You don’t. So get used to it. I’m going—”
He grabbed her by the shoulders. “The hell you are!”
Men were shouting and yelling in the distance. He had to get down the stairs, let himself be seen. Run. Lead the bastards away from her and take out as many as he could.
All he had were minutes to try and save his golden dancer. And if he couldn’t—if he couldn’t, he’d keep one bullet. For her. A quick, painless death would be all he could give her to remember him by through eternity.
“Salome. Salome, sweetheart—”
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me! I’m not letting you go out there alone.”