Page 209 of Uncut Bundle
“But our girl decided to take a walk on the wild side. The drug smuggling via the embassy pouch? All true, I’m afraid. As my P.A., she had the access and cover. Unfortunately for her, I discovered what she’d done. I felt sorry for her and, well, I said I wouldn’t turn her in if she’d go back to the States immediately.”
Matthew, Mia thought, oh Matthew, my love…
“I’m ashamed to say, my trust was misplaced. She fled from my house with a list of every undercover federal agent in Cartagena. I had to get her back, but I couldn’t tell anyone.”
“Not without implicating yourself in the cover-up you engineered for her.”
Hamilton nodded. “Exactly.”
Matthew turned to Mia. “Tell me he’s lying.”
“Yes, dear girl,” Hamilton said smoothly. “Tell him what he wants to hear—and the consequences be damned.”
The warning was clear. Hamilton had woven a monstrous lie, based on an underpinning of truth. Mia drew a deep breath.
“I can’t—I can’t tell you that, Matthew.”
“You tried to smuggle cocaine?”
All she could manage was a whispered “yes.”
“You stole a list of undercover agents. You were ready to turn them over to people who’d kill them?” He rushed toward her and caught her by the elbows. Eyes black with rage, he hoisted her to her toes. “And you were this—this pig’s woman?”
She didn’t answer, but she knew Matthew would take her silence as a yes.
His hands tightened on her until she thought her bones might shatter.
“And you slept with me because?” His mouth thinned. “Hell, don’t bother trying to come up with an answer. I know what it is. Sleeping with me kept me in line. It kept me from contacting Hamilton. From seeing to it that you went back to face the music.”
“Sad but true, I’m afraid,” Hamilton said in stentorian tones. “She’s very good at getting men to do her bidding.”
Matthew ignored him. “One last chance,” he said to Mia, softly, as if they were alone. “It’s not too late. Tell me it wasn’t a lie. Everything you did in my bed, everything we shared…” Anguish mixed with the fury blazing in his eyes. “Tell me he’s the one who’s lying. Say it, and I’ll believe you.”
Mia wanted to put her arms around him. To lift her mouth to his, kiss him and tell him she loved him, she adored him, she would love him until the end of time…
“Say it, damn you,” he roared.
She didn’t answer. His eyes went flat and cold; he took his hands from her with exaggerated care and stepped back. The man she’d fallen in love with was gone, replaced by the dangerous stranger who’d abducted her from her hotel room days before.
“What now?”
The question was directed at Hamilton. The colonel sighed.
“I’ll take her to Cartagena. She’ll return what she stole and she’ll behave herself from now on or, this time, I will tell my superiors, even though it means I’ll probably be court-martialed for covering for her.” He paused. “I’m sorry about this, Knight. I should have realized Mia would… She’s the type of woman who just can’t s
eem to keep from… Well. Never mind. Mia? I assume you have that list of agents with you?” At her nod, the colonel wrapped a hand around her wrist and held out the other to Matthew. “Goodbye, Mr. Knight. Thank you for your help.”
Matthew looked at the extended hand, then deliberately put his own hands in his trouser pockets.
“Get the hell off my property, Colonel,” he repeated in a soft, deadly voice. “If I ever see you again, you’re a dead man.”
Mia felt Hamilton’s fury in the way he tightened his grip on her wrist, but his voice gave nothing away.
“Come, dear girl. We’ve given Mr. Knight a difficult time. Let us permit him to sulk in private.”
Her feet wouldn’t move. Hamilton all but dragged her to the steps, then down them to the ground.
“Matthew,” she said in a broken whisper. Hamilton clasped her more tightly but she turned and shot her lover a last look. “The same as choosing the skull and crossbones over the eagle… The end always justifies the means.”