Page 43 of Uncut Bundle
But where had it all gone? Where had all the passion and tenderness gone? If this was the life expectancy of the average love affair, she could do without them. She should have known the closeness between them was only an illusion. As Jack Bond had said when he’d thrown earth on her mother’s coffin: ‘Any woman who expects too much out of life is destined to be disappointed.’
WHEN she woke the next morning Lisa lay in bed propped up on pillows, staring at the sea, knowing she would never be able to look at the ocean again without thinking about the day she spent on Tino’s boat…
For that one short day they had been so close… Thinking that would last was as foolish as expecting the morning mist to hang around. They were both far too sensible to get close to anyone. She had just been swept away by the madness that affected many women from cold northern climes—she had seen another way of life, another type of man, and imagined that she could slip easily into his world.
Hearing a tap on the door, she slid out of bed. Grabbing a robe, she hurried to find the same friendly young maid standing outside.
‘Would you like to take breakfast on your balcony again this morning, Thespinis Bond?’
Lisa hesitated. Why should she be confined to barracks? She had reached an accommodation with Tino. There was no reason why she shouldn’t go down for breakfast. There were still a few points she wanted to discuss with him off the record before their teams joined them later. ‘Would it be any trouble to you if I had my breakfast downstairs, Maria?’
‘No trouble at all, Thespinis Bond. I will set a place for you on the patio right away.’
Another new outfit! It couldn’t be helped, Lisa thought as she checked her appearance in the mirror. She would pay back Tino for everything she had worn, and then perhaps negotiate directly with the boutiques for the other clothes and accessories. Everything was so beautiful, it was hard to let any of it go.
Lisa’s heart was thumping as she walked onto the patio. It didn’t matter what type of agreement she had agreed to; after all that had happened between them she still had a lot of readjusting to do.
‘Kalimera, Lisa.’
There was no sign of Tino. Lisa didn’t know whether to be relieved or not, but she was happy to see Stella Panayotakis sitting at the breakfast table… ‘I didn’t expect to see you today, Stella. What a lovely surprise.’
‘For me too,’ Stella assured her. ‘Won’t you join me?’
She indicated the place next to her, and Lisa saw that this was the only other place set at the table.
‘Tino will not be joining us this morning,’ Stella explained, seeing her glance. ‘He’s been called away.’
‘I see…’ Called away? Avoiding her after everything that had happened between them was more likely, she suspected.
‘Tino didn’t tell you?’
‘No, and we’re supposed to be holding meetings all this week.’ She couldn’t keep the tension out of her voice.
‘I am sure Constantine would not have left the island unless it was important, Lisa.’
‘I’m sure you’re right, Stella. But I can’t understand why he just didn’t warn me. I’m sorry, Stella, I know this isn’t your fault, but the issues I have come here to discuss with him are really important. And Tino is just so…unpredictable. Nothing happens without his approval.’
‘Please don’t get upset—and you don’t need to apologise. I can see how much this means to you.’ Sitting back in her chair, Stella stared at Lisa in silence for a moment. ‘The people in your company are very lucky to have you for their champion, Lisa.’
Stella’s endorsement only made Lisa more aware of the responsibility she had towards her co-workers at Bond Steel. ‘Do you know how I can get in touch with him? Do you know where Tino’s gone, Stella?’
‘I’m afraid I can’t help you, Lisa.’
Can’t help me, or won’t help me? Lisa wondered, sensing Stella was watching her words as if she was protecting Tino for some reason.
‘What time is your first meeting this morning?’
Stella’s question prompted Lisa to refocus on the older woman’s face. ‘Ten o’clock.’
‘But it’s only eight o’clock. Why don’t you come down to the beach with me for a stroll before you start work? You never know, Lisa—Constantine may have been in contact with his household by the time you return to the villa.’
‘I’d love to come with you.’ Lisa sighed.
‘Then why not i
ndulge yourself for once?’