Page 46 of Uncut Bundle
Wasn’t her word good enough? She firmed her voice. ‘And I’ll be leaving the moment we sign.’
‘We have an agreement.’
‘An agreement
you broke.’
‘I’m here now.’
‘That’s hardly the point. You were the one who said we couldn’t cherry-pick agreements.’
‘I had to be somewhere else.’ His mouth flattened uncompromisingly.
Secrets…always secrets. ‘You can’t just bend our agreement to suit yourself.’
‘I’d say we’ve got a pretty good agreement. Didn’t you say we’re about to cut a deal in record time?’
‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Tino.’
He stood in her way.
‘Do you mind?’ She waited, but this time he didn’t stand aside.
Closing the door, he locked it. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’
‘I have another proposition for you.’
‘It’s too late for that, Tino. I’ve got everything I could possibly want from you.’
‘I don’t think so,’ he argued softly.
‘I must have missed something.’
‘What have you missed, Lisa? This?’
Before she could respond he dragged her close. She whipped her face away when he tried to kiss her.
‘Let’s get rid of this first.’ Seizing her briefcase, he tossed it onto a chair.
‘What do you think you’re doing? Don’t play games with me, Tino! Let me out of here right now.’
‘If I thought you really wanted to leave, I’d let you go immediately.’
‘You don’t know what I want.’ She fought him. ‘I don’t believe this.’
‘Do you believe this?’
Holding her firm with one hand, he cupped her face with the other and brushed her mouth with his lips until he drew a ragged moan from the very depths of her soul. ‘I don’t think you want to leave just yet, do you, Lisa?’
She was trembling as he teased the seam of her mouth with his tongue, and then because she wanted to, because she had to, because she couldn’t stop herself, she pressed herself against him, and then her mind was wiped clean of everything but the need to have sex with him.
Tino removed her tailored trousers in one easy movement with the cobweb-fine briefs she was wearing under them. She gasped with relief hearing the foil package rip. ‘Oh, yes, please.’ And burrowed her face into his chest as he lifted her…
It was the most reckless thing she had ever done. The windows were unshuttered, the drapes fully open. Anyone walking past couldn’t miss what was happening inside the room. It only fuelled her excitement.
Tino lowered her down on top of the boardroom table and lifted her legs to lock them around his waist.
‘This is madness.’