Page 90 of Uncut Bundle
Heat swept into her face and she swung toward the side window. Why think about it? She was a trained dancer. She knew how to get into a role. That was what she’d done, in his arms, and without conscious effort.
Now she had another role to play. She had to keep him from dumping her by being—
Leanna blinked. “What?”
“I said, how about doing something useful?”
“Like what?”
Like finding a way to cover yourself up, Cam thought. His hands tightened on the wheel. At least she’d managed to rig the bra so her breasts were covered, but they still threatened to spill from those glittering gold cups. Her legs, stretched out before her and highlighted by the snaking ribbons of gold, had to be a thousand miles long. And if that damned thong rode any lower on her belly…
“See what you can find to take with us after we ditch the Hummer.”
“Why would we ditch it?”
“Because it’s too easy a target to spot.”
Leanna popped open a compartment and rummaged through it. “We’ve got a notepad and a pen.”
“Sure to come in handy for souvenir postcards to the folks back home. Anything else?”
“Matches. And some sticky stuff that smells pretty good.”
“Show me.”
She held out a cream-colored lump. Cam nodded.
“Halvah. Candy. High in protein, high in fat. A good find. Anything else?”
“This little box. Some kind of electronic gadget.”
A flicker of light reflected in the mirror caught Cam’s attention. He watched it for a couple of seconds. Headlights, but a long way back. Asaad’s men had found them, but they still had a little time.
Salome’s gaze followed his. “Is that—is it Asaad?”
“Don’t worry about it. Let me see that gadget.” Cam took his eyes from the windshield for a quick look. “It’s a GPS. A global positioning device. Assuming it’s still got juice, we’ll be able to tell where we are.”
“And then what?”
“And then I can give the coordinates to some people who can help us.”
“I have a cell phone.”
“A cell phone? Then, why don’t you—”
“I did. I tried earlier today but I couldn’t get a signal.”
She sat back and folded her arms over her breasts. No, not over them, exactly. It was more like under them so the gold cups lifted, made an offering of the golden skin whose honeyed essence he could still taste on his tongue.
“Damn it,” Cam said, furious at her, at himself, at the stupidity of thinking about sex at a time like this, “don’t just sit there. Climb in the back. See what else you can find. You need to put on some clothes.”
“I’m fine.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not. It’s cold in the desert at night. You go into shock, you’ll slow me down. Get in the back and come up with something.”