Page 93 of Uncut Bundle
“I’m going to count to three. You hear me? One. Two…”
“Look out!”
It was the oldest trick in the world but it worked. Leanna swung around to confront the supposed danger behind her. The Hummer swerved drunkenly as Cam grabbed her wrist and applied enough pressure to make her cry out.
p; The gun tumbled from her suddenly nerveless fingers.
“No,” she yelled, “no, you son of a bitch! You can’t do this to—”
“Remember to roll,” he said, and shoved her out into the night.
Instantly he jerked the wheel hard to the left, increased his speed and looked in the mirror. As he’d hoped, the sultan’s men stayed right on his ass.
It was a trick he’d used before, but never with a woman.
He’d done the best he could. Slowed the car. Told Salome how to manage the fall. If she let instinct take over, she’d be okay.
That bit with the gun… He knew she’d found something, but a gun? He’d never figured on that. And then to pull it on him…
Cam took a last look in the mirror. If he drove too far, he’d never find her when he backtracked. It was tempting. Let her get out of this mess on her own…
A long incline was coming up. Just what he needed to make this work.
He eased his foot off the gas, waited until the Hummer was almost at the top of the incline. Then opened his door and dove out, landing shoulder-first, rolling as far as he could before he rose up in a crouch.
The Hummer was sailing down the far side of the slope, headed for points unknown. He flattened against the sand as the pursuit vehicles roared past, then winced as he got to his feet. His shoulder hurt but it would be no more than a bruise. Quickly he checked that the gun was still tucked into his waistband. Then he hoisted the pack over his arm and got moving.
All he had to do now was follow his tire tracks and find Salome.
Except, it wasn’t happening. Where the hell was she?
Nothing. Only the increasing wail of the wind.
“Salome! Where are—”
She sprang on him out of the darkness, hissing and clawing like a tigress. The pack fell to the ground as she tried to rake his cheek; her knee would have connected with his groin if he hadn’t been fast enough.
“Hey! Take it easy! It’s me.”
All that earned him was a punch that slipped inside his upraised hands and bounced off his jaw before she danced away from him, then came at him again. Okay, he thought grimly, so be it.
She was quick but she didn’t know the first thing about fighting. He feinted left, knowing she’d follow. When she did, he caught her, wrapped her tightly in his arms and hoisted her off her feet.
“Damn it, woman, are you nuts?”
“I’m nuts, all right,” she panted, “for thinking you’d help me.”
He thought about telling her he’d never offered to help her but sanity prevailed. Now wasn’t the time for logic.
“Calm down!”
“Calm down? Calm down? You threw me out of a moving car!”
“I slowed to a crawl. If you’d jumped when I did, you’d probably have a couple of broken bones.”